Chapter 3: Death?

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My eyes were closed but they burned from they light seeping through my eye lids. I worried if I was even living any more, but my heart sunk to the ground when I woke to see my self looking at the sealing of a hospital room. In the distance I could hear coughing and cackling down the hall. My head was strapped down to a pillow like device allowing my head to sink into the hole in the center. It was a terrible pain. I had lost all energy to even lift my arm. I was alone and most likely caught. My life was over.

"Good mornin' sunshine! Ya had such a terrible fall last night, wait, you awake honeybun?" A blurry figure in the corner of the bright lighted room said. My eyes could barely rotate to see that far away to the side without turning my head. She wasn't from around here, I could tell by the southern accent. "Maybe I should let ya rest. Can I please getcha' name before I leave, little lady?"

My mouth failed to even open to speak. My mouth dry as a dessert and my lips stuck together from lack of moisture. After a few moments of silence and no response she left the room taking the little cart will bottles of medicine, needles, gloves, and a computer. Dazing back and forth between sleeping and my eyes felt heavy. I was definitely not dead.

I gained my composure to lift my self upright from the bed. My vision went dark, colorful shapes floated around but it was all black at the same time. I was just dizzy, for seconds later my vision was restored only to leave a small headache behind. Rolling my head around, making a few cracking sounds from my neck, I noticed a clock hanging from the dusty wall. I was late for school! I stood up in a hurry, making my legs shake. But every step I took felt like walking on glass, it stung, it burned. I just can't explain the feeling, lets just say I rather get a saw and cut it off personally. The pain was unbearable, I wanted to cry but I want to show mama that I keep a good education and actually kept my self safe after a year of independence. I went right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. The pace began to get faster. I was almost there. Stoping half way out I sat on another bed, the only other bed in the small hospital room. looking back I realized I had only stepped a few feet away. But I turned to fined a clip board by the side of the bed in the center of the wall hanging from a hook in between the two beds. After grabbing it and reading the pages and flipping through I got bored and was about to but it back to find that there was an x-ray of a fractured skull and dislocated knee cap. After further investigation of the medical summary there was also a sprained ankle. It was me, after checking the date, dating to this morning when printed, and it didn't help my unfortunate conclusion that I was the only one there in the room. There was nothing I could do. I was not leaving this building with out getting caught and if I did where was I to go and care for the wounds? I failed her, I haven't kept my self safe.

Making my way back to the bed. "Cling, cling, cling!" The foot steps of the nurse went pattering on the unwashed floor. She was coming. When she walked in the room she made a shriek type sound, reminding me of a seagull, now caring me to my bed. I was back where I started, in the imprint of my body I had made from sleeping.

"What do you think you were doing little lady? We haven't been able to care for your leg yet!" The nurse said with a very confused but surprised face." Okay then, whats your name?"

"I don't know!" I began to say as tears rumbled down my cheek, of course I knew who I was. If it's lying I have to do to get out of here before next Thursday when mama suppose to be here thats what I'll do. Laying in the same bed made me feel.. made me feel.. for the first time in my life, I felt vulnerable. Even when I sat on the roof peering down, watching them drag my mother away, I did't feel vulnerable nor alone.

In that bed, I laid there for hours, even days. I was there up to six days. Six days of sleeping during the day, new holes poked into my skin from the sharp needle of anti-biotics and peering out the window every night for conversation with the moon. The nurse several times stayed in the door way to listen, I knew she thought I was weird but I didn't mind. The moon did talk to me every night, possibly the nurse thought I was lonely and I was talking to an imaginary friend, but I'm fourteen, such a thing at my age is bezard to me. Never mind, I talk to the moon. It was Sunday now, Thursday was approaching, and quickly. Most nurses and doctors made their way home on Sundays. The nurses that stayed at the hospital were very tired and didn't pay attention to what they did. My knee was in a brace, reducing the pain, my ankle wrapped. She was nice, but nosey, she was always asking questions. But the next morning I won't be there for her to see me. Making my way out the door and scanning the hallways, I made it out almost getting caught several times. But I was out, out the door and on to the street. I was free, only to find out that I had no idea where I was.

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