Chapter 6; lies?

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Now getting off the ship would be the problem. Bouncing to my feet made me dizzy and my legs were wonky. nonetheless i made my way to the window and tried popping the latch. It did't budge, but I could hear footsteps coming from down the hall. Thump, thump, thump. The noise  began to approach closer and closer, my mind spinning developing a plan of action only to shut them down. Hearing door opening and closing get closer and closer grabbing the gun and holding it ready. I was refuse to be caught and brought back, I was almost home. My mind racing, my ears ringing I don't know what came over me but when the door flung open, my finger jerked in nervousness. A loud roar sound swiftly visited every ones ears like a fairy. The impact sent me flying backwards. Quickly getting to my feet, I began to tremble when I realized what I had done. Being nervous I have no idea what to do, so I began to run. Out the room I was as a flung my bag around my shoulder. Until I made it to the deck, when I got to the deck everyone was just searching around looking over their shoulder as if to find someone dead. Going around the people, and behind boxes. The men rushed through the doorway as I escape right around them. My heart beating fast as if it were to jump out my chest. Harsh reality hit me then, I had killed someone! The picture of his lifeless body still making a slide show in my mind. It haunted my brain, all I could see is the image of his eyes when he took his last breath of life. What if questions rolled in my mind. What if he had a family to go to. Maybe a son or daughter that expect him to walk through the door for the rest of their lives but he never will. or a wife that expects him to hug her at any moment. Waiting for his arrival for the rest of the lives. Now I've done the ultimate sin, destroyed a family. Guilt over run me, tears began to roll down my cheeks. Wiping the tears away I had to move quickly. Then realizing I have been standing there the whole time with the gun showing in my hand. Now putting it away back into the inner pocket of my jacket now jumping off the ramp. Now gathering my map out of my book bag once I was far enough away from the boat. I was now in Cuba, and now to return to my mothers home that my grandmother had left my her when she passed on. I had never met my grandmother but I have heard stories and seen pictures, she looked like a nice woman. Now walking casually onto the boardwalk no one has expected of thing but I still felt guilty. No one would know about my sin, but i would have to live with that for the rest of my life. It was a simple town that my mother lived in as I walked in main Street which was surprisingly small. Old women on the side of the road selling fruits like mango and papaya men making beads with other women and children. Looks nice! I was there, at the house after hours of walking uphill and downhill. But I don't understand why she would have ever showed me a map. I don't think she would ever have taken me here. Expected to be hugged by family members that I've never met like uncles and cousins and small children running by my feet when I walked in the door. Only to open the door and see everything was broken and rotten. Looks like it hasn't beenp lived in for years maybe in us even decades. But why would she tell me this, obviously this was not the house but then where was my mother. Maybe she had showed me the wrong house or maybe she had moved. I felt only stressed and disappointment, I finally thought I were to see my mother again. I walked once again, but it just didn't make sense did she lie, would she lie ? I made my way up and downhill once again to ask the closest neighbor which was not nearby at all. The sun shined in my face, sweat dripping down my four head. Suddenly I felt almost like a hug embrace me from behind.
Only To realize it was not a hug at all I was being dragged. Being dragged backwards with my eyes covered. And felt a large thump on the back my head. Everything went cold.

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