Chapter 5: Ship from Florida

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I was now in Florida, it wasn't the smartest idea but I was determined, my mother was not coming I already knew. I waited for a year and a month. I was on my way to Miami. I had always wished to go to Miami but mama had always had said how it was only trouble in Miami. A party life sounded nice instead of being huddled away in an apartment building in Hoboken, living in fear.Miami sounded nice! When I got on the bus in hoboken it was so cold compared what it felt like now, here in florida. The stickiness in the air made my shirt stick to my skin. I could smell freshly rained on grass. Every time the bus stopped to get food or gas I stayed out the bus the whole time. I wanted to stand as long as possibly, so when the driver wasn't watching i would walk between seat to seat on the bus. It hurt sitting on those stale chairs for four days. Everyone in the bus sat in the front and slept most of the time. We arrived the next morning, in south beach. It was just as the movies. The air had a salty taste, the sound of waves welcomed me. Getting off the bus gave me the most exhilarating feeling ever. The slight breeze immediately hit me but it was not strong, only enough to make me feel refreshed to breath clean air instead of the stale and sweaty air in the bus that was shared between me and some older men. I was the only one to get off on this stop others stayed instill it went to more southern quit towns. The streets were colorful, and you could hear roaring music with an interestingly paced beat. The salty air touches upon my lip, tasting like water from the ocean.The ocean water was a beautiful blue shade and was super clear. This was the first time seeing a beach without brown water. But it was no time to simply stand around and explore I had to search. Walking down the sidewalk area on the outer wall of the beach where I walked and could see the clubs and beach at pthe same time. Occasionally a guy or half dressed girl on a skate board game flying by me, it was like a dream.

Walking on and on until I was running out of crowded beach and the party areas. Now farther away from the party areas almost out of south beach, only to hear loud metal clanging, and the squeaky sounds of cranes moving side to side. I was near the docks. Now it was getting dark. The sky turned a strawberry reddish pink as I made my way down the beach and sat. Not many people were there, and I sat there watching the sky turn black. The shiny red orb in the sky, floated slowly down in to the horizon allowing me to see less and less of it, as if it were shy. The big ball of fire that had warmed me and the blood in my viens left me cold in the pitch black darkness. Stars over whelmed the sky, i never knew there were so many. So many it allowed me to see the gun I carried when I opened my bag. I took it from Marcel before I left to insure my safely in these unknown areas. If mama was right about the world I truly did needed it. Lifting the slightly heavy black handgun out my bag. Now alone on the beach, near the docks I hid the gun in my inner pockets of my jacket. For several minutes I practiced reaching for the gun holding it as I remember my mother showing me in a faint memory. Practicing enough it began just to slide out in my hand in a ready to shoot position. By each minute It got darker and darker, until a police man waving a flash light checking the beach. Scattering towards the shore and hiding into a large ditch. My heart beating fast now, I could feel the blood rushing to my face.I could see the light illuminating the sand around the beach before it disappeared leaving the beach dark once again. Making my way out the ditch onto stable land on the side walk and making my way to the dock. The streets were full of people, well down the street where all the clubs are. Purple, red, blue, purple, green the light flashed on to the sidewalk from the clubs. But I was walking the opposite direction. Step by step I regretted this journey more and more. I just wanted my mother. I didn't want to live in a party area" nor live on a roof. A single tear rolled down my cheek, but this time no. Wipping it away and gaining my composure and walking down the concrete ramp in the pitch black darkness toward the docks and glancing at my map ever so often.

Once I was close enough I was able to see a light shinning out from the dock of a large fairy. Docked in the water and dark blue pattern on the upper part of the large water car. The bottom had stuck, smelly and squishy green things from it staying docked in the clear water from some time. I tip toed up the wood ramp to stand on deck. I was now aboard the ship. I could hear laughter from the ajar door in up on the second floor. All though it was on the second floor there was a distinct line of light leading from it . With every tricky and tip toed step came a creek sound in the old fashioned wood step on the stairs. Making my way to the floors underneath the deck and down the dim hallow hallways. walking all over this bottom floor blindly avoiding directions where voices leaked from. I hid into a room where it was empty only after knocking on it and running several times. No one came to the door, so I slipped in settling my self under the bed. Elbow, push, fix position, elbow fix , fix position, the process of making my way under the cramped and low bed. Settling my self against the wall, and fell a sleep.

Squeak! the door opened. It was morning now and the light from the window made my eye sting. Im guessing it was a man that walked in, for who ever it was had dusty and dirty brown work boots. My nose inches from toes. What do I do? shoot? no. Staying quite was my best choice lay back and stay quite. He walks over to the other bed a few feet away, squats and looks under, clear. The man now squared in front of the bed i was under, and squared to peer under. His bear knee stuck out from his ripped jeans. his hand reaching under. It got closer and closer until it was inches form my face. Opening and closing his had, having to lean back more and more. Until I was against the wall, his hand still stretching and getting closer. His hands about to touch my cheek!.

"AAAAh, stop there" a man down the hall screamed as a man ran down the hall. the man moved his hand away and stood up. He ran after the running man. Of course, he snook on the ship obviously to get to America and they were doing room inspections. After twenty minutes of silence and boredom I felt everything moving. Up and down, side to side , up and down, side to side, was how the ship wiggled throw the water. Only leaving from under the bed only 2 times to eat comfortably. The next morning the ship came to a halt. We were at land, finally.

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