Chapter 7; What Code

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My eyes began to burn once I opened them. The sun shined in my eyes as it began to just come up. The back of my head still sore. I was in a warehouse, and alone.  Disgusting and smelly one too, nothing was in it. I look down to find that my arms and legs were tied with rope to the chair. Suddenly I heard voices and then footsteps getting closer and closer. I was right I should've never left home I should've stayed low like she said. I was in trouble and I have no one to save me. A man in a fancy suite walked towards me and sat down in the chair in front of me as he waved around the gun I could tell it was the one that I had in my pocket because It had the same scratch on the handle like the one that I took from Marcel. He waving it around and looking at me ever every few seconds. Waving It around as if it was a toy. The man held the gun ready to shoot. Now resting it on my four head as if he was to blow my brains out. I could hear the sound of the gun lay and rattle as he pointed at my forehead. His index finger now on the trigger about to pull I closed my eyes to prepare my self for the feeling of death. I would be relieved of my sins. As I had my eyes closed, I heard the soft voice of my mother.
"James its not time for that, yet, stop being so eager to kill the poor girl" mamma said followed by a wicked chuckle.
She walked over wearing clothes that I thought she would never ware such a  shiny and tight dress, and high heels. My jaw dropped I couldn't say any words. My mind bottling that she was alive. Just couldn't comprehend what was happening. Did she actually tried to save me? She walked over to the man and began to kiss him. She had the face of my mother but she was not my conservative and religious mother. What could have changed her so much. She grabbed the gun from his hands and moved a few steps back softly, wiping her mouth.
"Okay then" he looked back at my mother and grinned " Carolina, the code, tell me the numbers for the code!" He said getting louder and louder with every word. Mama just stood there watching, she said nothing. With no expression of trying to save me or that she cared or any thing.
"What code? I don't know any code!" I said. I knew he could see the fear in my eyes.
James looked back at momma as she nodded her head. I didn't know what happened all I felt was the stinging on my cheek. The pain over whelmed me and the fact my mother did nothing broke my heart. He had slapped me and hard. He even rubbed the back of his hand afterwards showing it hurt him too.
"James, leave her, she' ll remember, no need to stay here to get upset" mama said in a calm voice while she began to stick out her hand. He walked towards mama held her hand and walked away as if I were not there. She never looked back and left out the door.

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