Kaname Kuran baby daddy for KatelynCrouch

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Meeting him:Ayame was walking on the Cross Academy campus for the first time

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Meeting him:
Ayame was walking on the Cross Academy campus for the first time. She wanted to find her brother, Zero Kiryu. Ever since Ichiru left to be with Shizuka, Ayame was hidden in a home outside of town. Ayame was out of town when her brother Zero was turned into a vampire, and when she got back he was without Ichiru and bleeding on the floor. Since then, Zero and the chairmen gave Ayame a place to live on her own with food and no bills. But Ayame misses her brother and is sick of being alone all the time. Zero has stopped visited recently so Ayame took it upon herself to visit. Ayame walked carefree to the chairman's office and knocked on the door. No one answered so Ayame just decided to walk in. She found Zero and a tall, handsome brunette boy in a stare down, a girl with short brown hair was watching worriedly, and the chairman looked worried. "Ah I see I've interrupted something..." Ayame said shyly, then about to leave. "A-Ayame?!" Zero exclaimed. "That's my name don't wear it out," Ayame said, deciding tio stay. "What are you doing outside of the house?!" Zero scolded. "You haven't visited me ni-san... I'm sick of being alone all the time," Ayame said simply. "Ni-san... Wait you have a sister? How did I not know?" the brunette girl exclaimed. "I don't know... I don't know you either so..." Ayame started. "Don't be rude Ayame," Zero scolded. "Ayame this is my daughter Yuki, whom Zero and I live with. That lad over there is Kaname Kuran, the moon dorm president," the chairman said kindly. "Hmm so she got to live with ni-san all this time and I got left alone?" Ayame muttered. "Ayame let me explain," Zero started. "No need, It was nice meeting you Kaname sama," Ayame said hastily, but polite to Kaname, then shutting the door and leaving.

"I have to keep her hidden and protected from Shizuka... She's all I have left of my family," Zero said grimly. "I'll go get her," Kaname said then disappearing at vampire speed. Kaname caught up to Ayame fairly quickly, she wasn't too far out of the building. Kaname grasped Ayame from in front of her in an embrace of some sort. "Don't go just yet," Kaname said kindly. Ayame felt shy all of a sudden, a handsome vampire was holding her afterall. "What do you want?" Ayame asked shyly. "Look your brother was trying to protect you from Shizuka. She doesn't know you exist, hence why you're still alive... His own twin betrayed him. If you lived with Zero it'd be easy to spot you and kill you," Kaname explained kindly. "That's all fine and dandy but it's lonely to be treated like a run away... Ni san doesn't visit anymore. Ichiru is off being Ichiru. I know Zero is struggling with himself and won't let me help. I hate being alone... I'm the older one he shouldn't be bossing me around," Ayame said, exasperated. "I understand. Look, we can talk to the chairman about letting you stay here. He and I are good friends. Shall we?" Kaname said kindly. Ayame nodded and the two headed to the chairman's office. The chairman let Ayame stay as a prefect day class student, since her knowledge of vampires and all. Ayame had a good feeling about cross academy and she wa liking this Kaname guy a lot so far.

How they fell:
So Ayame has been put in the day class as a prefect. She does what Yuki and Zero do to protect the school. Since she came she can relieve Yuki of being up all night and vice versa. Her vampire scythe certainly keeps the vampires at bay. Ayame has also gotten close to Kaname and they're on a first name basis now. Ayame seems to be crushing on him pretty hard but she keeps cool. Plus her brother would be mad if he knew. It was the day of full moon and all the night class students were going to be blood lusting. The night class kids were supposed to remain in their dorms and were excused from class. But that didn't stop them from escaping and trying to drink from girl's necks.

Ayame was tired after beating up Hanabusa with her scythe many times. She felt someone touch her back with their hand from behind. On instinct she spun around and was ready to slice the fiend. It was Kaname and he stopped her scythe mid spin, accidentally breaking it. Ayame was shaking in fear. Was he going to eat her? "I'm not going to eat you... Sorry I scared you," Kaname apologized. "It's okay, but not my scythe is broken," Ayame pouted. Kaname chuclked and fixed it using his magic powers. He was wincing in pain since the type of metal hurts vampires but he managed and it was fixed. "Th-thank you Kaname. Are you alright?" Ayame asked shyly. "Yeah I'm fine now," Kaname said, already healed from the incident. "Why are you out of your dorm exactly?" Ayame asked warily. "Yuki got sleepy so I decided to fill in as a guard. Blood lust isn't really an issue for a pureblood like me," Kaname explained. "I see..." Ayame said shyly. Suddenly Kaname got red eyed but smiled, as if nothing was wrong. "You sure about that?" Ayame asked. "Well I have my desires but I can control them," Kaname said. "Oh," Ayame said. "You may be Zero's sister and all... But your blood smells delicious," Kaname said honestly.

"Oh," Ayame muttered. "He only wants my blood," Ayame muttered. "I know your his sister and all but, I can't help but like you a lot," Kaname admitted. "What?" Ayame whispered, completely baffled and blushing. "I really like you Ayame... You're pretty, sweet, smart and kick ass. And your blood is really enticing," Kaname said, a bit flustered. "I-I like you too, but I don't want to become a vampire..." Ayame admitted shyly. "I'm glad you feel the same. I don't want you to change either. I can control myself," Kaname said happily. "Will you be mine?" Kaname asked sincerely, the bright redness in his eyes disappearing, holding her hands in his. "W-well okay," Ayame said shyly. Kaname kissed Ayame passionately and she returned it. Ayame felt a hardness against her thigh, she looked at Kaname shyly. "I may be able to control my blood lust, but I can't control that," Kaname said, making the two of them laugh. "The sun's coming up. You don't have class today... Let's make love," Kaname said cheekily. Ayame blushed and nodded, taking Kaname's hand in hers. They went to his room to "finish things".

How they found out:
Since that night, and many more to come, the two were a couple. They'd see each other in the early hours of the morning and Ayame would often sleep in Kaname's room. Ayame is still a human and Kaname hasn't drunk her blood yet. Ayame hasn't been feeling well, had all the symptoms of pregnancy. She's actually somewhat old enough to have a child, she's 20 she just is a student during the day. Ayame took 5 pregnancy tests to make sure and every one had a positive result. She told Yuki and she was congradulatory, Zero was pissed, the chairman wasn't mad and now she has to tell Kaname. She was in his room after the sun had just come up and he came in the room. Kaname laid on the bed next to Ayame and snuggled her up to him. "Babe when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" Kaname asked nonchalantly. "W-well I wanted to tell you today, I took 5 tests to make sure," Ayame muttered. "I can smell it babe, don't be so scared to tell me stuff next time," Kaname said with a yawn. "Let's rest before your class. And I'm glad you're my baby momma," Kaname said drowsily then going off to sleep. Ayame smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

The birth:
The birthing process was quite excruciating for Ayame. She was giving birth to a C class vampire after all and she is human. She was in labor for 48 hours! Ayame gave birth to twins, Ai and Hikaru Kuran. Yuki and Zero were Ai's god parents, and Haruto and Sayori were Hikaru's god parents. The only scary thing was Ayame had a ton of blood loss, so she had to get a blood transfusion. Luckily Kaname's blood was compatible, and it being vampire blood helped heal her up.

Zero was still mad over the whole pregnancy thing and being related to Kaname, but he was thankful for his two god kids and the fact his sister is still alive and human. Kaname and Ayame moved out from school after Ayame's graduation to a house of their own. They got married about a year or so later, after that crazy stuff with Rido and Shizuka ended!

Hope ya like it KatelynCrouch

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