Hanabusa oneshot

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name: Megumi Tsukioka
race: vampire b
Powers/ skills: telekinesis, and randomly dream vision, she’s an amazing artist, she paints the truly dreams r the truly been of the people
guy you want: Aidou Hanabusa
other: personality: jealousy, a bit of clumsy, but very loyal and caring, trying not to be so childish, she is a bit of overprotective but very gentle
history: she used to be Ichijou´s fiancé, but after the Sara incident she just travel around and enter the night class , here she just fall in love with Aidou.

How it happened:

            Megumi was walking with Hanabusa and her other night class members like any other day. And like any other day all the fan-girls were screaming for the boys, mostly Hanabusa. Megumi always had a crush on Hanabusa since she broke off her engagement with Takuma (Well it was either than or Sara was going to hurt her), she had fallen hard for Hanabusa. She tolerated the fan-girls screaming everyday, but today it was getting on her last nerve. “Can you guys just stop your yelling?! So annoying,” Megumi exclaimed. The fan-girls stopped for a moment, but then were questioning her. “Why are you angry?” “You’re just jealous no one likes you” and “You must like Hanabusa and want to keep him all for yourself,” were said. Hanabusa grinned from ear to ear. “Actually, it’s because she is mine,” Hanabusa said. All the girls gasped and went “Aw!!” because Hanabusa is off the market to them. Hanabusa put his arm around her and grinned. “Sorry ladies, it just sort of happened,” Hanabusa said. All the fan-girls were glaring at Megumi. Hanabusa whispered “Meet me in the common room after classes,” in her ear then left her to sit with Akatsuki and Ruka.  

            Megumi sat in class, counting down each minute. “I haven’t been this antsy before, even around Hanabusa. What’s his deal anyway? It’s probably just a game to him,” Megumi thought to herself. When class finally ended, Megumi walked back to the moon dorms, completely distracted. Megumi managed to make it to the couch in the common room and sat down. She fidgeted nervously as she waited for Hanabusa. He finally came in the door, after the others had went upstairs, and approached her. “Megumi chan, I’m glad you waited,” Hanabusa said to her. “Why did you say I was with you to those girls?” Megumi asked. “Well I mainly did it to tease the girls, but I also saw it made you react as well,” Hanabusa stated. “So you were toying with me?!” Megumi exclaimed. “Only a little bit! I’m sorry,” Hanabusa said apologetically. “Why do I put up with this?” Megumi wondered. “It’s because you like me, duh!” Hanabusa stated, half teasing. Megumi blushed profusely and looked away from Hanabusa. “Stop toying with me,” Megumi said sadly, this made Hanabusa’s gaze soften and he felt bad. “No-no-no don’t look so sad! I really like you too Megumi chan. You’re just too cute to look sad,” Hanabusa admitted/ pleaded. “R-really?” Megumi asked. “Yes, really. I liked you since you came here, but I figured after you broke it off with Takuma you wanted to be single for a while,” Hanabusa explained. “… That’s sweet Hanabusa, thank you,” Megumi said. “I’ll make you happy, and I won’t let someone control my life like he did,” Hanabusa said, then looking into Megumi’s eyes with his blue sparkly ones. “May I kiss you?” Hanabusa asked her. Megumi nodded instead of answering verbally, due to her profuse blushing and inability to speak.  Hanabusa chuckled a little, and then kissed her lips gently. Megumi kissed Hanabusa’s lips passionately, not wanting to wait any longer, he kissed back. The two finally parted after a while, panting slightly.

            “Megumi chan, I can hardly control myself. I don’t want to rush things, but I really want to drink your delicious blood,” Hanabusa said, as his blue eyes turned red. “You may,” Megumi said. “Thank you,” Hanabusa said. Hanabusa pierced Megumi’s neck with his fangs in a slightly rough manner, drinking from her neck in a slow and pleasurable manner, Megumi moaned slightly. Hanabusa withdrew his fangs and licked up the excess blood. “Megumi chan, drink some of my blood,” Hanabusa said. “You sure?” Megumi asked, and Hanabusa nodded in response. Megumi bit Hanabusa’s neck in a much gentler manner, and sucked his blood slowly.

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