Zero Kiryu oneshot for Dayelight

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Kazumi was heading back from her evening class at Cross Academy. She was trying to avoid the prefect Zero Kiryu, who always tries to bust her for leaving class late. She always stays after class ends for extra help, but he just sees her as a trouble maker. "I'm a noble class vampire for god's sake... He needs to know who he's talking to," Kazumi muttered. "Kazumi senpai... You're late again," Zero said, scolding her as he came out of hiding. He stood in the light where one of the street lamps were. "Listen Kiryu... I stayed after with Yagari sensei again... I need help with writing... What's the harm in that?" Kazumi spat. "He always somehow leaves before you though... Are you that slow, noble-class vampire?" Zero mocked. "... I swear to God Kiryu... You're really irritating..." Kazumi exclaimed. "Oh is that all? I've heard worse," Zero said smugly. "... Can I continue leaving now?" Kazumi said tiredly. "This is more than a week in a row now Kazumi... This means I have to walk you back each time you stay late... Or else the chairman might think you're up to funny business if I report you," Zero lectured. "Fine, whatever... can we go now please?" Kazumi said. "Of course," Zero said. The two walked in an odd but comfortable silence. They arrived at the moon dorm entrance and parted ways. "Remember Kazumi senpai, every time you leave late I have to escort you... So either leave on time or learn to like me," Zero taunted. "Pshhh whatever Kiryu..." Kazumi said then going into her dorm. Kazumi laid in her bed, completely agitated. "He's lucky he's cute or I would have hit him..." Kazumi muttered before going to sleep. 

From that day on, Zero escorts Kazumi back to the moon dorm after every class. At first, it was just some awkward formality, but then the two got somewhat used to it. Kazumi was friendly enough to Zero, so he started to be more casual with Kazumi. Zero opened up about his struggle for blood and his childhood along the way. Kazumi opened up about how she hated being a noble's daughter and having such phony friends and family. The two both hate the vampire councilmen so they started to become friends. On days that Zero can't make it, he makes a point for Yuki to escort Kazumi to her dorm. Yuki has been doing it for about a week now because Zero has been MIA. "Where's Kiryu-san been Yuki?" Kazumi asked her. "Um, I'm not sure... his condition got worse (meaning the blood lust issue) so the chairman has him getting cared for somewhere," Yuki said honestly. "It must be somewhere else because your bite marks went down Yuki," Kazumi stated. "W-wait what... y-you..." Yuki started. "Zero told me... I hope that's okay," Kazumi said. "Well if he said it... I'm okay with it. Just don't tell Kaname-senpai," Yuki said nervously. "Well have a good night Kazumi," Yuki said then going back to her room. 

Weeks went by and Kazumi hasn't seen Zero much. He hasn't been doing prefect duty because he's currently on academic probation. Kazumi asked the chairman if she could visit Zero to help him with school work on the weekend, and he was surprised but let her. Kazumi entered the chairman's house and found Zero in one of his spare rooms. He was getting frustrated with the work he missed. "Hey, you want help?" Kazumi asked, stepping in the room. Zero looked at her oddly. "Why're you here?" he asked, confused. "Well, you've been gone a while so I asked the chairman where you might've gone. And he said I can help you with school work... if you want," Kazumi stated. "Oh, that'd be nice. Thank you," Zero said, genuinely thankful. Kazumi sat next to Zero and began helping him through the giant stack of homework. The two finished about six hours later, completely exhausted. "Why do you stay after so much? You're really smart..." Zero asked oddly. "It helps me remember things better and it helps with studying," Kazumi said honestly. "Oh, thanks for the help. You really didn't have to," Zero said kindly. "It's no problem Zero..." Kazumi said with a yawn. "Were you actually concerned I was gone?" Zero asked. "Well yeah... I wondered where you went and Yuki said you weren't doing well..." Kazumi admitted. "She worries too much..." Zero said then beginning to cough. 

Zero's eyes were turning red and he as breathing really hard. He punched the table hard too. "Oh no, Zero! Do you need tablets?" Kazumi asked worriedly. "N-no... I need you to go... Before I bite someone..." Zero said hoarsely. "B-but how can you calm down without any blood? Just have some of mine," Kazumi said worriedly. "N-no no... I already bit one person... I'm bad enough... I'll be fine," Zero croaked. "Zero I insist, it's okay," Kazumi said. Zero pinned her against the wall. "I won't!" Zero said. "Please... that way Yuki won't be so weak and Kaname can't get mad. You need to get better, take as much as you need... I'm a noble class so I can take it..." Kazumi said, offering her neck to him. Zero couldn't control it anymore so he gave in and bit her neck. Kazumi groaned at the contact but was fine after that. Zero drank quite a bit. He was very blood hungry. Once he was finally done drinking from Kazumi's neck, Zero removed his fangs and licked the excess blood off. Kazumi shuddered at that sensation then regained her cool. 

Zero held Kazumi gently and looked down at her guiltily. "I'm so sorry... are you alright?" Zero asked calmly. "I'm alright Zero, honest..." Kazumi said with a smile. Zero hugged her close to him. Kazumi stiffened at the contact at first but then hugged back. Zero rubbed her back. "Thank you, Kazumi..." Zero muttered, embarrassed. "Anytime, honest," Kazumi said kindly. "I can't keep doing this... Now I took your blood too..." Zero said, parting from the embrace. "I'd rather you take mine than Yuki's... Kaname can end your existence you know..." Kazumi. "Being dead wouldn't be so bad..." Zero muttered. "Well, I'd miss you, jerk..." Kazumi muttered. Zero looked at Kazumi guiltily. "Why would you miss me? I'm just a lowly level D-E vampire..." Zero asked. "... Because I like you more than I should Zero... Okay? God," Kazumi confessed, irritatedly. Zero didn't say anything or move. "Look I don't care if you like me back or not... that's up to you... I just want to help..." Kazumi stated. "You shouldn't like me... I'm a terrible person. I'm not human or vampire. I'm just a beast... It's not a good idea..." Zero exclaimed. "I can feel however I want, you know," Kazumi snapped. "You can, but it's not a good idea... I'll drag down your reputation as noble. And I'm dangerous to your health if I keep taking your blood so often. I'm selfish and weak... I'm no fun... Don't you get it?" Zero cried out. "I don't care about any of that stuff. I like you Zero. Let me take care of you god damn it! Take some help or I swear I'm going to shove it up your ass," Kazumi scolded. 

"...Fine..." Zero muttered shyly. "YAY!" Kazumi said then hugging Zero tightly. "I-I like you too... but I'm not easy to deal with..." Zero confessed. "Have you seen those goons I have in my class? I can handle it, honest," Kazumi said cutely. Zero suddenly backed Kazumi into the wall pressed his body up against hers. "Hope you can handle this," Zero whispered against her lips before kissing her. Kazumi moaned against his lips and kissed back passionately. Zero caressed Kazumi's sides and stroked her hair as he kissed her. He kissed her lips, down her neck to her fang mark, and back to her lips one more time. The two parted, panting slightly. Zero hugged Kazumi tightly. "See? It'll all be okay Zero," Kazumi said cutely. "I believe you Kazumi," Zero said sweetly, then kissing her on the forehead. 



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