Shiki oneshot #2

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Name: Ellie Rose

Looks: 5”1’ pale skin, long red hair with bangs (naturally curly) and pieces to frame her face, green eyes.

Crush: Senri Shiki

Other: She just joined Cross academy as a day class member. She is a guardian with Yuki and Zero because of her past with a level E vampire (that killed her parents). She used to model in Europe before she came to cross; she modeled with Shiki a few times. She has aplastic anemia; she takes medications and has had a few bone marrow transplants when she was younger.

            Ellie was new to Cross academy, it was her first day. She was being shown around by one of the prefects, Yuki. She had seen the school building and she was showing her the dorms. “Now that’s the moon dorm, where the night class lives,” Yuki explained. “So where the vampires are?” Ellie asked blatantly. “Y-y-yes! But um, don’t say that too loudly!! It’s supposed to be a secret,” Yuki said. Ellie saw a tall blonde boy with green eyes, and a shorter boy with reddish brown hair and blue eyes. “Is that… SHIKI SAN!!!!” Ellie questioned, then exclaimed. The red headed boy turned to her and smiled. “Ah, hello Ellie san!” Shiki said. “You know Shiki senpai?” Yuki asked. “Yeah, we did a model shoot together sometime ago,” Ellie said explained. “Hmm, I see. Well, we should probably get you into your dorm now Ellie san,” Yuki stated. “Okay Yuki san!” Ellie said then following after her, waving to Shiki and his friend quickly.

“So if my sonic hearing is working correctly you two worked together?” the blonde asked. “Yeah…” Shiki said. “What’s the matter Shiki san? You like her or something?” the blonde teased. “I did… But she was going back to America so I had to let it go,” Shiki explained. “So… Is her being here good or bad?” the blonde asked. “I’m not sure, but it makes me happy inside,” Shiki stated. “It must be good then. Come along Shiki we got class,” the blonde said. “Okay Ichijou san,” Shiki said then following the blonde named Ichijou.


The next day, as curfew was ending, Ellie joined Yuki and Zero on her first day of guardian duties. The blocking of screaming fangirls was a bit harder than it seemed. One of the night class boys, nicknamed “Idol” was being a royal pain in the rear end. When Ellie saw Shiki and smiled at him, and handed him a box of pocki, he smiled in return. “EHHHH???!!! WHY CAN SHE GIVE SHIKI SENPAI PRESENTS?!?!” one girl exclaimed. “So unfair,” a bunch of girls whined.

Ellie decided to guard the western perimeter this evening. She was sitting up in a tree when she heard a few girls giggling in the distance and the voice of a boy whom she recognized was Hanabusa (Idol). She jumped down from the tree and ran over to where she heard sounds from. She pulled out a bloody rose gun and stood behind Hanabusa, standing over him and pointing the gun to the side of his head. “You belong in class you halfwit, stop scaring these poor girls,” Ellie scolded. “You guys get back in your dorm, no questions asked okay?” Ellie said, they nodded and ran off. Hanabusa was smiling devilishly with red eyes. He was about to bite her when he was suddenly hit with a red bloody whip and fell to the ground, clutching his cheek and yowling in pain. Ellie looked over and saw noticed Shiki and Ichijou were there. “H-hello Shiki san, Ichijou senpai,” Ellie said. “I apologize for him, are you okay?” Shiki asked. “Y-yeah I believe so,” Ellie said, until her knees got wobbly and she fell over. “Well you’re wrong Ellie san,” Shiki murmured, as he caught her in his arms and she blacked out.

Ellie woke up in the infirmary with Zero, Yuki and Shiki sitting pensively. “Ah look sleeping beauty is awake,” Yuki said cheerily. “Baka... That could’ve gone so much worse for you,” Zero scolded. “Zero be nice! It was her first day,” Yuki scolded him. “You should’ve told them you had anemia Ellie san,” Shiki said kindly but sort of scolding. “She’s anemic?” Zero and Yuki asked in unison. “Yeah, she has Aplastic anemia,” Shiki explained. “IS SHE GONNA DIE?!” Yuki exclaimed. “No-no, she’s just fine. She takes medicine for that,” Shiki explained. “Gomen ne,” Ellie said sheepishly. “Make sure you take your medicine and get some rest, I know sometimes you forget,” Shiki said, making Ellie blush. “It’s happened when we were in a photo shoot actually,” Shiki started. “That’s enough Shiki san!!” Ellie exclaimed, the three others laughed at her blushing self. “Shiki senpai, it’s almost time for night class students to go back to their dorms. So you should probably head out soon,” Yuki stated, as she was looking at her watch. “Thanks Cross san,” Shiki said. “Ellie san, please rest up today. I have to get going okay? I’ll see you around soon,” Shiki said then leaving the infirmary. “I’ve never seen him care about anyone like that before… IT’S SO CUTE!” Yuki said in a fan girlish way. “… Why do I hang out with you two again?” Zero muttered.

A few weeks have gone by since that day. Ellie hasn’t passed out since then and was resuming her guardian duties. She was given an invitation by Ichijou to attend his party; Zero and Yuki were invited too. “I mean, it is short notice but… I would like to attend,” Ellie stated to Yuki. “Me too!” Yuki agreed. “And I’ll attend just to make sure nothing happens to you two,” Zero muttered. “YAY!!” Ellie and Yuki exclaimed. The girls ran to change after their guardian duties and met with Zero shortly after. They walked into the moon dorms and looked around for familiar faces. “Ah I see Ichijou and Shiki san,” Ellie said then walking over to them. “Hello Shiki, and happy birthday Ichijou,” Ellie said then handing Ichijou a box. “Oh how sweet! Thank you Ellie san, I shall go put it away with the others,” Ichijou said then going over to his mound of presents, but not without giving Shiki “the eye”. “Ellie san, would you like to go talk somewhere less crowded?” Shiki asked her. “O-oh um… Sure!” Ellie said then following Shiki to a less populated area of the moon dorm.

“I’m not dragging you away from any potential men am I?” Shiki joked. “Oh god no, I don’t know most of these people,” Ellie stated. “Well that’s good. I don’t know half of them either,” Shiki stated. “Shiki san…” Ellie started, but was cut off by Shiki. “Can I tell you something Ellie san?” Shiki suddenly asked. “Of course Shiki san,” Ellie said. “You know, ever since you came to CrossAcademy… I’ve been really happy,” Shiki started. “And I… I’ve come to realize… that I like you Ellie san. Would you be mine?” Shiki asked shyly, Ellie blushed profusely at this. “Y-yeah of course I will Shiki san,” Ellie managed to stammer. “Great,” Shiki said then taking her hand in his and kissing it. Ellie smiled at him and pecked Shiki on his lips. Seeing how he didn’t object to that, she advanced on him and kissed him passionately, which he returned it. The two kissed for a while, and then parted, panting slightly. “Come on, let’s go dance,” Shiki said then getting up and offering Ellie a hand, she took it. They walked back to where the party was still going on and joined the dance floor. Ichijou, Yuki and Zero noticed them dancing together and smiled.


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