Yagari oneshot

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name: Amaterasu Aido
age: 23
Looks: pale blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin complexion
Race: vampire
(Hanabusa's older sister)
Power and skills: katana blade skills, fire
Guy: Toga Yagari
Other info: 2 children twins boy and girl named Koichi and Hikari
Amaterasu n toga fight a lot at first. She starts to fall for him later on. She tells Hanabusa who is against it and disgusted because he sees it as “forbidden”.

How it happened:

            Amaterasu was walking with her brother Hanabusa, and the rest of the night class, to her class. There was a murmur of panicking girls in the mix, talking about how they had a test in ethics today. Amaterasu had studied the historical texts well and was confident she’d pass so she wasn’t worried. She was just hoping Yagari sensei was in a good mood. Last time she had to leave class because she got sick, and he docked her grade by two points, and to get the points back she has to stay after classes. This angered Amaterasu because she enjoyed Yagari’s class and she always tried her best, and there’s also the fact she has “the hots” for the teacher. Maybe that’s why she feels the need to impress him. But after all, Yagari was a vampire hunter who had a strong dislike for vampires, and he could care less about being a teacher. Even if he did like her that way, it’s taboo. Amaterasu sighed and put on a brave face. “I will pass that test!” she said, unintentionally out loud, her brother chuckled at her.

            The night class had entered the classroom and taken their usual seats. Yagari had passed out the tests. Amaterasu had breezed through all the essay questions and was sitting in her chair. She ended up dozing off. She was woken up by Hanabusa shaking her lightly, she yawned. Everyone else left, Hanabusa whispered “Good luck” to her. Amaterasu walked up to Yagari’s desk. “Well Amaterasu the good news is that you aced the test. However, your absences for the semester are a problem,” Yagari stated. “What can I do to make up more absences sensei?” Amaterasu asked. “Apart from all the extra credit you’ve done… there’s not much I can do,” Yagari stated. “B-but…I can’t help getting sick! And I didn’t exactly ask to be here in the first place! You’re just biased against vampires,” Amaterasu exclaimed, unintentionally. Yagari gave her a fierce look; he did not look amused one bit.

“Well you are right, I hate vampires! Why do you think I’m a hunter for god’s sake?! I’m only doing this as a favor for the headmaster,” Yagari admitted, sounding so frustrated. “I’ll just go,” Amaterasu said softly, as she was about to leave Yagari grasped her arm tightly and pulled her back in. “I will pardon all your absences,” Yagari said. “R-really?! That’s great! …At what cost?” Amaterasu asked. “You are a bright one, Amaterasu,” Yagari started, he was smirking a bit. “Say it already sensei,” Amaterasu exclaimed. “You will do all of my grading for the rest of the semester,” Yagari said. “Fine,” Amaterasu said with a sigh. “Although, you don’t have to do that way, there is another way,” Yagari started. “…which is?” Amaterasu asked. “You could be my call girl,” Yagari said. “WHAT?! I refuse! WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?!” Amaterasu exclaimed. “You have a day to decide,” Yagari said then leaving the classroom.

Amaterasu stomped out of the room and into the moon rooms. Her brother greeted her by stopping her in her tracks.  “Did Yagari sensei upset you?” Hanabusa asked genuinely. “HELL YEA HE DID!!” Amateratsu exclaimed. “Tell me what happened,” Hanabusa said with a chuckle. “Because I get sick so often he docks my grade. And he gave me two options for extra credit. Which both were completely stupid,” Amaterasu said. “What did he say?” Hanabusa asked. “Either I do his grading, or become his stupid call girl. WHAT DOES HE TAKE ME FOR?!” Amaterasu exclaimed. “Well… You should just report him to the chairman,” Hanabusa said. “As much as I’d love to I can’t,” Amaterasu stated. “And why is that?” Hanabusa asked. “… Because I do have this school girl crush on him,” Amaterasu muttered. “… YOU LIKE A BASTARD LIKE HIM!?!?” Hanabusa exclaimed. “Not so loud ni-san!” Amaterasu exclaimed. “… Well whatever you choose, I can’t stop you ne-chan. I just want you to be happy,” Hanabusa said. “… WHY ARE YOU SO WEIRD TODAY!?!!? YOU’RE ALL CALM AS SHIT, WHAT THE HELL?!” Amaterasu exclaimed. “I think vampires and hunters shouldn’t be together but that’s just what I believe ne-chan,” Hanabusa said. “I’ll leave you to decide ne-chan,” Hanabusa said then going into his room.

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