Takuma Ichijou oneshot for Dayelight

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Kazumi is a copper-haired, green eyed noble vampire that goes to Cross Academy. Her skills are in swordsmanship and weaponry. She grew up around her childhood friend Takuma Ichijou, whom she always had a crush on. She's been a bit depressed lately. Her childhood friend/ and or crush doesn't smile like he used to. He doesn't hang out with her anymore either. He's certainly lost his luster. And it's been ever since he started a relationship with this pureblood vampire Sara Shirabuki... Kazumi was happy to see him in a relationship because he seemed to like was happy at first. But it seems like she's controlling him and he needs help. But apparently, no one else sees it. 

Kazumi was walking through campus at dawn after class. She wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. She expected the person to be a cranky Zero Kiryu, the level d vampire prefect. The person said "Sorry," in a polite way. Kazumi muttered, "It's okay". Kazumi's eyes traveled up to the person's face and it was Takuma.He smiled at her, forcefully. "Kazumi chan, are you alright?" Takuma asked. "Yeah, just tired," Kazumi said with a fake smile. "Are you okay?" Kazumi asked him. Takuma laughed and said "Of course I am," but whilst shaking his head. "Takuma kuuun," a shrill voice called. Kazumi knew it to be Sara Shirabuki. Takuma gave her a manga that was in his hand. "I'll come get this later. Ne?" Takuma said with a wink. He walked over to his girlfriend after saying "Coming, dear,". 

A day passed since then. It was a weekend. Kazumi was practicing her sword skills in the forest. She heard someone behind her and she charged at them. They knocked the sword out of her hand and into the ground. A smiling Ichijou greeted her. "Oh, hi Takuma," Kazumi said oddly. "You want to go to the cafe with me?" Takuma asked, oddly cheery. "Um sure, but why?" Kazumi asked. "I don't know, I just miss you is all," Takuma said cutely. He was acting like his old self, which was odd but Kazumi didn't mind. "Okay sure, let's go," Kazumi said then putting the sword in her sheath and took it with them. They walked into a cafe not too far from campus.

They got a seat and ordered some coffees. "So how have you been Kazumi chan?" Takuma asked then sipping his coffee. "I've been alright. I just miss my best friend is all..." Kazumi said, hinting. Takuma looked at her guiltily. "Th-that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually,"  Takuma said shyly. "Go ahead," Kazumi said then sipping her coffee. "I know I have been abandoning you lately since I returned to the academy and I thought I'd explain..." Takuma started. Kazumi nodded for him to continue. "M-my girlfriend Sara... she's a pureblood... my grandfather set us up and she can control me... I thought I'd tell you while I still can..." Takuma said then sipping his coffee. "Am I not allowed to see you anymore then?" Kazumi asked. "... Well um..." Takuma started but was cut off by Sara walking into the cafe. "Takuma kun, let's go!" she called out. "i-I have to go... I-I'll come back for the book eventually. Just know I always liked you more than a friend..." Takuma said then running off to Sara.

Months have gone by since then and Takuma hasn't talked to Kazumi since then. Kazumi was eating some pocky with Senri and Rima. She was spaced out, thinking about Takuma. "Yoo hoo, Kazumi?" Rima called. Kazumi shook in surprise. "Look... don't worry about Takuma. He'll be fine..." Senri said. "B-but she's controlling him..." Kazumi interjected. Someone said "Yes, I am," and appeared quickly. It was Sara Shirabuki herself. "Look Kazumi-san. I mean this in the meanest way possible... Takuma is mine now. Stay away from him, and we won't have a problem, okay?" Sara said tauntingly. "Whatever bitch..." Kazumi muttered. Sara disappeared soon after, mockingly laughing in the distance. "He'll be fine I guess..." Kazumi muttered.

Months went by, and many things have changed since then. Not many of them mattering to Kazumi herself. It was mostly the hunter association. Kaname almost died. But the more important detail was that Sara Shirabuki was dead. She tried to kill Kaname, by using a possessed Zero (who drank her blood) and failed. In the end, some ancestress killed her, it wasn't even by Kaname's hand. Things were slowly returning to normal on campus. Kazumi was uneasy because Takuma was going to return to campus. She wondered if he'd even want to talk to her. The last time they spoke he admitted he had feelings for her in a "last ditch" effort. Was Takuma ever in love with Sara Shirabuki? And if he was, is he still? If he were he'd still be grieving. Kazumi sighed at the thought. She really didn't want to see Takuma but she had a class with him. She put on a brave face and went out. Kazumi was sitting in class with Takuma behind her. She could feel his staring, but couldn't tell if it was bad or not. The clock went by ever so slowly. The bell for the lecture went off and Yagari was collecting his papers. The class was dispersing and Kazumi hoped that Takuma would just ignore her. She was almost out of the classroom when Takuma grabbed her hand ever so gently. They were the only two left in there.

"Kazumi chan, can we talk?" Takuma asked. "Aren't we now?" she said casually, but nervous. Kazumi couldn't tell from Takuma's eyes if he was angry, scared, or happy but she normally could. "I want to apologize for how I neglected you for so long... my best friend... I'm so sorry," Takuma said then getting a bit teary. "Takuma..." Kazumi said sadly, feeling horrible. "Sh-she made me ignore you. She hurt you with words... She tried to block you out of my memory many times... But I could never forget you or my feelings for you. She hated it and possessed me... And abused me... And all I wanted was you... and all she wanted was a play thing and to kill Kaname... I'm so sorry Kazumi chan... I hope you don't hate me after all this," Takuma said whilst crying. Kazumi began to tear up herself. "I could never hate you... I love you Takuma, I always did and always will... God, I hate that dead ass bitch," Kazumi said, passionately and kind of angry. Takuma couldn't help but chuckle at Kazumi's second half of the comment. He wiped his tears on his sleeve and smiled at Kazumi. "I won't hurt you Takuma, come here," Kazumi said softly to him. Takuma smiled a little and hugged Kazumi tenderly. She nuzzled his neck and hugged Takuma tightly. He rested his head on Kazumi's. "I love you Kazumi," Takuma said softly. "I love you too Takuma," Kazumi said then pecking him on the cheek.

 "I still have your book in my bag... You want it back?" she asked. "Yeah... that'd be great. I never got to finish that series..." Takuma said with a chuckle. "The ending sucked anyway, everyone dies," Kazumi taunted. "KazuMIII why would you say thattttt... Now I don't want to read it," Takuma whined. "Fine, you keep it. It's a memento," Takuma said then kissing her forehead. "Let's get out of her before the day class comes in," Kazumi said. The two gathered their things and walked out hand in hand. They spent the day in Takuma's room getting requainted, as well as Kazumi helping him catch up on class work. 



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