Chapter 3

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“So where are we going?” I was curious now that we were on an unpaved road. He gave me a sideways glance.

“I thought you could meet some of my friends, they are having a bond fire.” He was still looking at me from the corner of his eye as if he was waiting to see what my reaction would be.

Honestly I was slightly horrified; I was actually pretty shy when it came to meeting new people. I felt my stomach twisting. “Oh, sounds fun…how many people are going to be there?”.

He looked cautious as he answered. “Six.” I nodded feeling very nervous as we pulled up. I immediately saw the large fire going by the lake. I took a deep breath as we were about to get out and Emett looked at me worried.

“I’m sorry I should have asked you first…” he ran his hand through his hair.

I shook my head “No, it really sounds like fun.” I got out of the car and looked at him with my best reassuring smile. I followed behind him as we walked up to the group of six. I looked around and everyone was paired off. Was this like a couple gathering? I lagged behind as Emett walked up to them.

“Hey everyone this is Kaylyn.” He laid his hand on the small of my back causing a shiver to run up my spine at his touch.

I waved nervously. “Hello.”

There was a blonde girl standing next to a tall tan boy with dark hair, she started giggling and I wondered if she was laughing at my awkwardness.

“So you’re the girl from the bridal shop.” I looked at Emett slightly in awe. He had been talking about me?! I let my bangs fall in my face as I nodded shyly.  The butterfly's in my stomach felt like giant birds now.

Emett shot her a glance “Nancy.” He groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck. Her partner had to add.

“Yah we can’t get him to shut up about you.” He laughed as Emett kicked some dirt at him.

“Really dude? Shut up will yah.” He avoided making eye contact with me for a minute, wich I didn't complain about. I knew I was probably as red as a lobster with all the blushing I was doing.

“Sorry I thought they were going to be more well behaved.” He apologized and must have seen how uncomfortable I was. “If you want to leave it's ok we can go find something else to do.”

I quickly shook my head, not wanting to be a party pooper. “No really just give me some time to get used to them. It will be fun.” He gave me a look like he didn’t believe me. Heck I didn’t believe me.

But like I said I warmed up to them and it ended up being a real fun night. We joked around, a few people got thrown in the lake, and it was nice just being around Emett. I found it strange how easy it was to be around him.

After severale hours of goofing off and laughing till our sides hurt, we said our good nights, and nice to meet you's, as we headed to his car. I smiled at him “See I told you it would be fun, I just need time to come out of my shell.”

We got in his car and he looked at me “I’m glad I was a little worried they were being to…” he searched for the word. “Embarrassing.”

I shook my head “No they were actually all very nice.”

We drove to my house in a comfortable silence till he parked behind my F.J.

I sat in my chair quietly fiddling with a loose string on my hoodie “Thanks again for another fun night.” I looked out my window to insecure to look at him as I finished my sentence. “I really enjoy spending time with you.”

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