Chapter 20

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It was early in the morning the sun had just made its appearance from behind the mountain line. The air had a chill and the landscape had an eerie mist upon it. I put my hair in a pony tail following  Barbus through the thickening woods, wondering what it was we where going after. You think I would have some say in this, but no not according to Barbus. He said I should start with something small and train it up. Like a water fairy….it even sounded lame. I was not happy about this I was also not happy about leaving Emett behind even though Barbus assured me he would be fine it just felt wrong.

Frustrated I stomped along tripping over roots, Barbus found my clumsiness amusing. I glared at him from behind, and as if he had eyes in the back of his head he snickered.

“Glaring at me wont change anything, moody pants.”  He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

I crossed my arms a huffed . “ I am not moody” I pouted.

“Say’s the grumpy girl who got kicked out of her room, just so you know I wouldn’t have kicked you out.” Barbus ducked under a thick branch and I was tempted to grab a stick and knock him in the back of the head. I quickly searched for a sick and saw none in site. Oh well…next time.

“I didn’t get kicked out … I just wanted a snack and fell asleep on the couch.” I cringed at my own unbelievable lie. Do to the look on Barbus’s face he didn’t believe me either, but it was none of his business.

“Whatever you say.” I childishly stuck my tongue out at him and continued pouting.

I looked around our surroundings, after several hours of walking the forest had grown increasingly thick. The light that filtered through the trees was a green tint, since it was filtering through the thick canopy of green leaves. The air was thick with smells of new and exotic flowers, and I could hear the gurgling of nearby water. Dots of color painted the green canvas around us, it was beautiful. I took in a deep breather of the sweet air, and continued to pretend like I was listening to Barbus jabber on about women.

“Pay attention will yah?” Barbus snapped at me again, like he had done so many times before.

“To what!? I’m tired of listening to you talk about your women.” I glared at him as we started to reach a clearing.

He arched an eyebrow at me and smiled. “Jealous are we?”

I screwed my nose in disgust. “As if you womanizer”

Barbus winked at me which only flared my temper. “Whatever helps you sleep at night hunny.”

I really wish I had a stick right about now. Just as I was about to reach for a hefty one I had spotted to my right  Barbus called me over.

“Kaylyn stop fooling around and come here, finally we found a water fairy.” His voice was hushed and commanding in tone. Again like a five year old I crossed my arms and pouted as I walked over to him. He was crouched behind a thick batch of bushes with a low tree branch overhanging above his head, I could hear the water on the other side.

“I don’t want a water fairy.” I complained.He gave me a pointed look and I quickly shut my mouth. I crouched down next to him, and looked out of the small opening between the bush and the tree branch.

There was a large lake surrounded with thick water plants, some familiar like the cat tails and others not so much. Like the bright purple flower as large as a sunflower with a bright orange inside a little taller then the cat tails. I saw this beautiful lake but no water fairy…maybe Barbus had gone mad.

“What fairy?” I whispered.

“The blue bird.”  He pointed to a branch that hung over the water.

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