Chapter 8

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I tapped my foot angrily on my wood floor as Titus and Renee walked through the door. They immediately dropped their bags I’m guessing it was due to the shock of seeing Emett sitting on my little couch. Or maybe it was the expression of pure rage on my face.

Titus looked at Emett and then slowly brought his gaze to me. Renee on the other hand stared at the floor fiddling with her hands not wanting to make eye contact. Titus spoke and my glare landed on him.

“So, how are things?...” My eyes narrowed even more at the playful tone in his voice like he as making a joke.

“You guys have A LOT of explaining to do.” I crossed my arms and shifted my wait to my right foot. I saw Emett stand up from the corner of my eye. I felt his hand rest at the base of my back and it sent a shiver up my spine. His voice was low as he whispered in my ear his hot breath tickling my neck.

“I am going to go walk around and let you talk.” He pulled away from me and my hand instinctively reached out for him, I didn’t want him to leave. He must have seen the fear in my eyes.

“Kaylyn don’t worry I’ll be back in a little bit I promise.” I was afraid to believe him but I let him go as I watched him walk out the door. As he was about to close the door behind him he shot Fate a look that caused him to get off the floor and follow. It was strange but I let it slide I had bigger fish to fry.

“Why didn’t you tell me Emett came looking for me!?” Renee inched closer to the door as my voice only got higher. Titus stuck his hand in his pocket while the other rest on the bridge of his nose as he pinched it.

I waited on seconds before I asked again.

“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!?” Renee finally opened her mouth her eyes never leaving the floor.

“He abandoned you.” My blood boiled, it was as if she was lying I would have believed her a few short hours ago. But after what he told me I knew he hadn’t. He left yet, but he did not abandon me.

My jaws locked together as I spoke through my teeth trying to keep my fist from flying through a wall.

“Where are the letters?” My voice was quiet but the anger was clear.

Renee finally looked up to meet my fierce gaze "What letters?” I saw the honest confusion in her eyes.

“The ones Emett had been sending me.” I gritted my teeth together, annoyed as if I was telling her for the millionth time.

“I don’t know about any letters…” I sighed trying to calm down as I realized she was telling the truth. That’s when Titus cleared his throat and shifted his weight. He was hiding something. He knew.

I walked close to him my hand balling into fist at my side. “Were…are….they” I spoke out each word long and slow so he would understand me. He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

“I was trying to protect you Kaylyn.” My fist quivered at my side as it took everything I had not to punch him.

“Protect me? They could have saved me from all the long nights of crying wondering why he had left me!” I was so close to his face I could feel his breathing.

He stared deep into my eyes, as if he was trying to tell me a secret.

“You aren’t meant for each other. He can’t love you the way you love him.” I took a step back from him the coldness in his voice went all through me.

“What?” my voice was a whisper why would he say that to me?. Renee slapped his arm and told him to shut up but I felt like I was in a daze.

“There is a lot you don’t know about him, trust me. I just didn’t want you getting hurt. I had hoped you would be over him by now.”

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