Chapter 30

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“What… far along?” I could barley find the words. I was holding my dying friend and my sister was pregnant and missing. How could this be happening?

“At least 2 months.” He gasped and a painful expression crossed his face, I looked over at Emett who was using his shifter form to cauterize the stub where Titus’s arm used to be. I brushed back Titus’s hair and kissed his forehead wishing I could take his pain away.

He continued to speak through gritted teeth. “She didn’t tell me till you where in a comma, she said she had missed her month again.” He let out a half hearted laugh. “I couldn’t believe it, I was so freaked out I ran. I was planning on leaving to try and find you a cure, it was to hard watching you there lifeless. Plus finding out I was going to be a father.It was a good excuse to leave and think. But then I ran into Natis and---“

Titus let out a blood curdling scream and his whole body went rigid. “Titus hang in there! Please!” I couldn’t stop the sobs from shuttering through my body.

“Kaylyn, Emett!” Fate charged through the nearby trees a fierce snarl on his face. His teeth bared and ready for a fight. But then I could see the life drain from his eyes when he saw the puddle of blood we where in. Barbus and Rosie where on Fates heels looking just as concerned.

“What happened?” he growled looking between us.

I tried to explain but  everything that came out of my mouth was a jumbled mess and what would have taken me 20minutes to explain only took Emett a good few.

“We need to get Titus back to my house, I can help him there.” I nodded my head at Rosie , you could tell she was in work mode.  But I suddenly felt torn I wanted to go and be by his side to make sure he was going to be ok. But on the other hand I wanted to find Renee before Natis could do anything to harm her or the baby.

“Kaylyn please find Renee bring her and my kid home…”Titus looked so weak as Barbus helped him to his feet. He was barley able to stand. I choked back the tears and walked up to him.

I carefully wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his neck. I was sick when the thought that this could be the last time I held him crossed my mind. This could be my last moment with my best friend.

I whispered into his neck. “I promise I’ll bring them home safe and sound no matter what it cost’s. I love you so much just hang in there and get better. I am so sorry I did this to you.” I could feel the pressure of his head on mine as his voice softened.

“Don’t apologize I would have done the same thing, that’s what I was counting on. Just make sure you come back with her I need my girls . Both of you.” I pulled back as he gave me a weak smile and I returned it followed by a kiss on the cheek.

I watched Barbus, Fate and Rosie melt back into the trees with Titus. I prayed that he would still be alive when I came bac. Emett was by my side I was in such a trance I hadn’t noticed he was holding me.

“He will be ok…he is a fighter.” Emett pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead.

Those words where the small comfort, the little bit of hope I needed to go on and find Renee. I gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

“Lets go get my sister.” My voice cracked with emotion, but I felt a strong determination and anger burning inside of me. Growing into a fire that would destroy Natis.

I really had no idea where to start but Emett took the lead and seemed to know where he was going.  I was so happy he was coming with me but I was already thinking of ways to separate myself from him when it came down to fighting Natis. I couldn’t allow him to be involved I wouldn’t be able to constantly if I was constantly worrying about him getting hurt.

We walked for hours the moon was high in the sky, and the woods had shifted into something you would see in a nightmare. Everything seemed to be reaching for you trying to pull you away into the nothingness of the dark. I think it was safe to say that I had inherited a small fear of the dark from my weeks in coma.  It was so ominous and every time I fell asleep I half expected to never wake up.

“I think we should get some rest and find something to eat in the morning.” Emett stooped to rest under a large tree and patted the lush green earth next to him.

“I’m sorry we left in such a rush we should have gone back with the group to stock supplies .” I pulled my knees up to my chest, thankful at least that the summer had warmed the night for us.

“We don’t need much supplies, we only need to travel a few more hours before we find him. Natis is to cocky and stays in one place. Little does he know it is going to be the death of him.” Emett’s lips curled up into a smirk.

“Great he wont know what hit him.” I allowed a cocky smile on my own lips.

“We should work out a strategy tonight.” I nodded in agreement.

That night we drew out plans on the ground and talked over at least a hundred different ideas that where to risky, improbable, or just down right stupid. I felt discouraged by the end of the night when we failed to come up with a solid plan. But the main objective was to get Renee first and then kill Natis.


I apologize for the crappy upload I really haven't had much time to write this week, and I have been in a bad mood all day since I chipped one of my back teeth. UHG! Why my mouth....i hate anything being done to my teeth. *sigh* dentist here I come I suppose. Anyway I will try and make up for the crappy upload with the next chapter. It wont be for probably a couple of weeks though. I will be taking some 3D classes and working on my animation skills. Combined with my little girl, work, and helping some friends out with different things. I just wont have much time come these next few weeks. But I will try and upload soon! Just no promises of when.O.O

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