Chapter 6

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It has been six months since I have made my home here with the White Cloud Wolf Rescue. I usually stay fairly quiet enjoying my time alone with the wolves and Fate. But despite the quiet demeanor I have adopted I have managed to form some close relationships. The founder Ted and his wife Clair have been very welcoming and have treated me as their own. Along with them and their two sons Mike and Luke I have grown close to Avery, and Zach.I also get along really well with Ruthie and Samantha it was nice to have some girl time away from the boys. Elanor, on the other hand didn’t seem to care for me to much. I have come to find out that her and Zach are dating. I figure she doesn’t like me due to the simple fact that I am a female. I have not shown any interest in him besides friendship. It didn’t matter to me weather she liked me or not.

“Kaylyn, are you ready to go?” Avery peeked his head in my open door.

“Yah let me grab a jacket.” I walked through the small living room into my bedroom, he leaned in the doorway giving me a weird look.

“What?” I arched an eyebrow curious.

“Why do you always leave your door open? Aren’t you afraid the wolves or other animals will get in?”

I shrugged at his question; I knew it was an odd thing to do. Ever since they got me set up in my own lodge by the wolves I never kept my door closed unless it was cold out. I wanted Fate to feel free to come in and out whenever he liked. And other wolves had the same freedom though most of them preferred staying outside anyway.

“Fate keeps anything out that I don’t want getting in. So I ‘m not to worried about it.” I walked past him as he closed my door.

“Strange” he mumbled under his breath but I still heard him and I could only laugh. That was me, strange. I unlocked my F.J and whistled for Fate and watched as he ran from within the woods to me.

I opened my passenger side door and let him jump in behind my seat. Avery hopped in the passenger seat and I started out our day.

“Do we need to pick anyone else up?” I looked in the rear view mirror as I backed out.

“Yah, we need to get Zach he is helping us out today.” I nodded as I headed to his lodge which he shared with Elanor, I dreaded seeing her I got nothing but dirty looks and they aggravated me.

I honked the horn as we drove up and watched Zach run out the door, but Elanor made sure to stop him so she could suck on his lips as if telling me to back off. I rolled my eyes; I don’t know how much clearer I could be with the fact that I wasn’t the least bit interest. My heart wasn’t ready for another relationship I had to many guards up. I honked my horn again when there kiss lasted a few seconds to long. He pulled away from her waiving her goodbye and Avery opened his door so Zach could get in the back with Fate.

“Good morning Romeo.” Avery poked fun at Zach those two acted just like brothers.

Zach rolled his eyes “Shut up your just jealous.”

“You wish, I couldn’t be jealous of Eleanor she scares me too much.” Avery fake shivered and I couldn’t help but giggle.

Zach always poked fun at Avery for being single but what he didn’t know is that Avery had a girlfriend in one of the nearby towns. He just didn’t want everyone knowing. I think he was comfortable telling me because he knew how quiet I was and I wouldn’t be blabbing to everyone.

Zach was about to reply but I cut off there bickering, feeling like a soccer mom with a car full of bratty boys.

“So who is going to tell me where we are going?” I gave a sideways glance to Avery as he brought out a map.

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