Chapter 25

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Kaylyn’s P.O.V

“Kaylyn don’t fight it, just let go. Give in, it’s so easy. No more suffering, no more fighting against the emotion. Just a release freedom from the chains of love and hate.” Natis’s voice was so compelling as it whispered through every inch of my sleeping mind spreading like a fire.

“Freedom?” I could see myself, I was dreaming and in the dream I was walking towards Natis. So handsome with his black hair and blue eyes staring back at me. A light breeze blew through his hair, we where in a bright green meadow. It was so peaceful as he reached a hand out to me.

“Come here love” His smile was charming and sweet. As if my hand had a mind of its own it longed to hold his. Why did I hate him before? How? So handsome so sweet…yet in the pit of my stomach something told me this was wrong.

I crept closer “Could we stay here?” I looked around the peaceful meadow as I stepped closer to him his arms reaching around me in an embrace. He whispered into the crook of my neck.

“Of course love, wherever you want to go we will go. Together…all you have to do is let go.” He looked me in the eyes and his teeth shined in the sun as he smiled at me.

“Let go…” I repeated, what was I letting go of? Why did these two words hurt my heart. What was I letting go of? Why did it hurt to think of? Why couldn’t I remember?

“Kaylyn you need to wake up” I looked to the sky where the voice seemed to come from. Natis was still staring at me with loving eyes. Could he not here this voice calling out to me?

“Kaylyn right now!” I clasped my ears as the voice screamed in my head, and the world around me began to shake.

“What is happening!” I looked to Natis gripping his arms for balance, but he was motionless frozen in time.

“Help me!” I screamed with my whole being, yet he made no move to rescue me from the nightmare.

“Kaylyn please…run from the dark. Remember?” The voice soften and the world stood still.

“That’s right” I smiled to myself and the next thing I knew I was awake and the dream faded as real life came back to focus. Emett was staring down at me, nothing but concern tainted his eyes.

“Im back” I smiled , feeling a little stupid for saying it because I was realizing I had never actually gone anywhere.

“Welcome back.” He smiled not pointing out the fact I had never left.

“You had me a little worried. I had been trying to wake you up for at least twenty minutes.” He sat back in bed back against the wall staring at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry…” I sat up and brought my knees to my chest, scooting closer to him.

“It’s ok all that matters is that you came back.” He sighed and closed his eyes, I felt so guilty for making him worry. I was the worst guardian ever. 

“What time is it?” I looked around the room searching for sunlight but it was pitch black.

“Three in the morning.” Emett ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the clock.

“ Do you want to go?” I whispered not really sure what I was asking yet… it was like my mouth was speaking what I hadn’t yet processed.

“Go where?” He arched an eyebrow ,  I am sure questioning my sanity at this point in time.

“To find the wyvern, what good will it do to sit here and sleep when I just get closer to the dark.” I paused for a moment fiddling with my thumbs.

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