Chapter 3

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Polaris sat quietly in her room in the moon mansion. In here, nothing was fully real. The room was controlled by emotion and thoughts of the owner. Everything could change or appear anytime. You could easily say that you had everything; As long as you had a little imagination, you could imagine anything. The moon was a truly magical place.

Polaris was observing the Earth. She sat in front of a crystal mirror and watched Emma travel to meet her dad. Both girls were in trouble, but until Manny didn’t know about Emma being missing; they were safe. Polaris was worried about her best friend. Worried that her covering Emma might hurt the girl instead of help. She smiled at her friends image and sended her a positive thought. Emma smiled and looked out of the carriage, searching for the North Star. She took a deep breath and started to play with her bracelet. Polaris knew that Emma was scared and sended her as much encouragement as she could.

The mirror went blurry and Polaris got ready for another lonely soul. She expected a soldier or a sailor who was away from home. Some of them prayed for their love ones to be safe; just as Polaris did centuries ago. But the imagine was not what she expected.

A shadow appeared on the smooth surface. She watched in amazement as it materialized into a human-alike creature. Her hair started glowing from excitement of a new experience. The shadow now appeared to be a young male. His raven black hair were glowing in the moonlight and his silver eyes were the same color as the moon. He had strong cheek bones and a long neck covered with a collar from a cape. He was wearing black and the only thing that did not blend in with the night was his chalk white skin that illuminated the moonlight. Polaris stared at the strange and handsome creature. He looked deeply at the North Star and sighed. Suddenly Polaris’ necklace heated up and she gripped it.

“He’s thinking about his love!” she whispered gently as she smiled. She saw him smile at her star and then look away to his right. Another shadow flew by and he quickly disappeared into the dark night.

As his imagine disappeared and the necklace cooled down, Polaris noticed how her room had changed. It glowed with the same light she did and it remained her of a milky way. It was white and everything was filled with pearls and diamonds. Everything glittered and shined at her. She took her brush again and sat down at her heavenly white bed. She brushed her hair gently as she calmed herself down. What was that creature and what were it thinking? She knew it, or he, thought about love, but was it a happy thought or a sad one? Will she ever see him again? He left a strange impression in her head that she did not understood, and she could not get him of her mind. She sat staring at her mirror, expecting him to appear again. He did not.

A knock on the door interrupted her daydream and the Man in the Moon stormed into her room. He was unhappy and Polaris knew that her acting practice will now have it’s test. She sat up and smiled at the man.

“Where is she?” He asked angrily.

 “Who?” She blinked at him gently as he gazedWho do you think?” He asked with hurt and anger in his voice.

“Oh, Emma!” Polaris smiled. ” Umm… She in not in here. I wish she was. I have to talk with her, desperately… Can you tell her to find me when you see her?”

“Are you sure that you do not know where she is?”

“I wish I did,” Polaris sighed. She had a strange feeling that the trouble she was in just grew larger. She started to be worried about her best friend. Was Emma alright? How was meeting the famous Jack Frost going?

“Oh, Emma! Where are you?” Manny sighed sadly. He was worried and Polaris felt bad for him. She put her arm on his shoulder.

“I am sure that she is just fine. Thou should not be worried about her. She is a big girl.” He smiled lightly and then looked around my shiny room.

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