Chapter 11

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“Where am I?” It was dark and cold. Emma curled herself into a ball. Was she dead? Is this what death was suppose to be like? Dark, cold, miserable. Polaris. Manny. Kaguya. Aya. Ashsoka. Chief Wazzo. Mouse. Names. Faces. They began to fade in the darkness. They left so quickly. They left as though fleeing from some wicked monster.

“No. Don’t go. Please. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me alone. Help. Please.” Jack. Father. Mother. A figure froze before her. Her smile soothed. Gently her soft hands touched Emma’s cheek.

“Be not afraid, dear child. Don’t let darkness kill your light. I shall stay if I must. Though not for long.”

“Who are you?”

“You know, child.” A screech sounded from far off. The woman flinched and turned. “I must go know. It is too dangerous.

“Must you leave?”

“I am afraid so. Be strong.” She placed a golden locket around her neck.

“Goodbye, beautiful child.” She turned and left.

“Don’t leave me! I’m frightened. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Dear child, you are never alone. Until we meet again.” The woman faded into the darkness. Emma reached for her, but clutched air. “Must I be left alone in this darkness?”

~ **** ~

Emma’s skin was a sickly color. Tan with a hint of grey. Her lively honey eyes were sickly and golden.

Even her hair was darker. Her green outfit transformed into a long flowing blood red dress. There seemed to be no trace of the old Emma. Not even the curve of her lips when she smirked was the same. She laughed hysterically as a wall of thorns and Poison Ivy surrounded her.

“Hi, babies. Did Mommy not give you enough attention? Don’t worry I will now,” She cooed petting the plants. “Why don’t we infest Earth and show them what happens when you mess with Nature? Hmm. Let’s start here.” Emma grinned and raised her hands above her head. The plants shot skyward growing taller and taller until she pointed toward the taker palace.

“Emma! What are you doing?” Shade stood in front of her on the roof of the tallest tower, although he’d already heard her.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my little taker! I must thank you for freeing me! It would have been such a bother if I stayed locked up.” Shade wore a hurt expression. He knew he was part of the problem. If he’d left her in the tower then she wouldn’t have intervened with the ceremony.

“Emma, stop you’re taking over the entire castle.”

Emma laughed. “Yes. I know sweet pea. Believe it or not, I’m doing this on purpose.”

“But why?”

“It’s time the earth took back what was rightfully hers.”

“I can’t allow you to do this!”

“So you challenge me!” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. Her face lit up in a wicked grin.

“SHADE!” Link was standing at the base of the tower. Emma glanced at Link smiling.

“Hey there, Hon.” She winked blowing him a kiss. Shade had never seen Link pale so quickly. He knew Link was use to flirting with others. Not being flirted with.

“Emma!” She turned back toward Shade a thorn styled sword in hand. Shade frowned. He’s own sword in hand. He raised it in a fighting position.

“Let’s dance pretty boy.” Emma smirked swinging her sword. Shade was about to leap toward her when she disappeared. Shade floated mid-air looking around for her when she teleported in front of his face.

“Let’s take this somewhere a little more private,” She cooed grabbing his collar. Shade yelped as a dark mist surrounded them. It was suffocating. Shade clutched his throat falling to the ground.

He reached out for his sword. The ground was cold and metallic. He felt a something come down on his back hard. He yelled out. A laugh responded.

“Not having any fun?” A hand grabbed his hair yanking his head back. Shade was terrified. An emotion he’d never felt before. Was this the dark power Emma had been trying to warn them about? Was this truly what awaited those who joined Pitch? This dark crazed expression. She was smiling and laughing hysterically. It looked as though she truly lost her mind.

Shade was covered in blood. He could feel himself trying to regenerate, but every time he did Emma would bash him over the head and laugh. She knocked him to the ground a tugged his hair pulling him up to whisper in his ear.

“You always catch dreams, but have you ever produced one? Let’s see what happens when you put a Taker into eternal sleep shall we?” She smirked lifting her thorn pricked staff to his neck.

This was it. The end.

“EMMA DON’T!” The grip on Shade tightened. Blood dripped into his eyes.

“Why if it isn’t the little star! Lost your glow?” Shade could hear Emma smirking. She dropped Shade. His body fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

“Shade!” Link. Shade knew his brother’s voice anywhere.

“Please Emma. Sister don’t do this! Think of Manny! Of your father!”

“NO! THEY CAN BOTH DROWN IN A LAKE! I think only one person now. And that person is ME. What good has Manny done you? You hate him remember. He doesn’t care for you. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have dragged me into this mess.”

“Emma, Manny loves me. He loves you. So does your father.”

“MY FATHER LEFT ME! If he loved me he wouldn’t have died!”

“He loves you, Em. He’s the one who summoned me.”

“LIAR!” Shade heard her feet shift. She was preparing to attack.

“LOOK OUT!” Shade reached out hoping to give them some warning. A bright light left him blinded as a blood curling, icy scream pierced the air.

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