Chapter 13

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“How did you convince Manny to let you enter the moon gate?” Polaris asked.

“I made him believe that I am worth it I guess…” He reached for her hand and joined it with his. They were sitting on the carpeted floor of her room.  It was strange. He felt as if he knew her, yet he had so much to learn. He did not know who she really was, or what was she like… But he loved her, he was sure of that.

“And how did you do that?” Polaris smiled at Shade. She was happy for the first time in centuries.

“I told him how much I care about you and how much I am going to love you.” Polaris started glowing stronger and Shade looked away. “Do I need to get used to this or can you control it?”

“I’m sorry… “ She looked at her hands and started to breath. She felt her glow calm down and Shade turned back around.”  I believe that this is my way of blushing.” Polaris held his hand tighter. “Does that mean that you are to stay here? Aren’t you needed on Earth?”

“I don’t know… The man… He said that I am bound to moon and you since I walked in here… But I would need to ask someone if they don’t need me in the castle… After all I am the prince and Link…”

“The Prince?” Polaris opened her eyes wider…

“Yes… the prince of the dream takers…” He shook his shoulders and laughed. ”Don’t act so surprised! You are the North Star!” She joined his laughter then she smiled to him and looked up at the roof of her room.

“I was a princess once… did you know that?” He shook his head. “I was the princess of Slovakia. My name was Brigida.” He smiled and shook his head.

“I didn’t know that Slovakia still has a royal family…”

“Oh, no… They do not… “

“Then how…” Polaris laughed and touched Shades cheek with her free hand.

“I believe that we have quite big age difference between us…”

“I am nineteen… That is all I know.”

“I was seventeen when I died…” Polaris’ looked away, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath… How was it possible that the time ran by so fast? ”Now I am nearly eight hundred years old…”

“But….” Shade looked at her surprised. She smiled to him and let go of her breath.

“I am a guardian and a star. I do not grow old…”

“Didn’t you say that I am a star?”

“I understand that you can bind yourself as a star… You are surely not a star… You can be bound to me and the moon, but that does not make you a star… I don’t know what it makes you… I don’t know what it makes of us…”

“I want to be with you…” Shade kissed her cheek again and she leaned over to kiss him on the lips. It was a short kiss, but she knew it filled Shade with joy and sweet. It felt strange to kiss someone after all those years. The last kiss she had was with Bartlomiej and she was so young then. This kiss was different. She was not a young girl, practically an old maid of her time, anymore. She was old and she knew what she had to do.

“Then let it be.” Polaris leaned closer and kissed the boy once more. It was a different kiss.  It was not romantic. She used her power as the star and love that she felt for Shade to push her glow and energy into him. She heard him gasp as the glow entered his body and soul. She felt so full of joy and happiness. They were bounded and were to be together forever. He chose to be with her and she let him. After the short ritual was done, she kept kissing Shade to let him feel her joy. There was a connection between them. She felt that he was confused, but still happy and that he wanted to stay in this kiss forever… She felt his emotions and heard some of his thoughts. She knew that he could hear hers and that from now on it would never change. They were bounded together as one; they were soul mates and star-crossed lovers, literally…

Manny told her few centuries ago that she can chose one person to be a star. That person would accompany her on the sky and always be a part of her. She doubted that she ever will find someone special enough, but now she knew she did. She found Shade. For the first time in centuries her life was complete. She had all that she ever wanted. She had family and love… and of course her friend…

“Emma…” She moaned, breaking the kiss. “What happened to Emma?”

“Are you seriously asking me that just after you kissed me like that?” Shade shook his head and continued to kiss her. Polaris smiled to herself and let him join them together once more, she was to happy to worry…


“How do you feel?” Polaris asked Shade after they finally broke the kiss. She felt so happy and she knew that a new part of her life has just started.

“I feel… same.” Shade sighed. “A little tired I suppose… You are a great kisser you know…” Polaris shined brighter and felt Shades arm behind her. They leaned against her bed, still sitting on the floor.

“Look into a mirror, dear.” He stood up and turned around to face the magical surface. Polaris felt him gasp as he saw his own expression in the mirror. He did not look much different, but he has changed. He had his own glow now. Not as strong as the one of Polaris’, but strong enough to light out a piece of the night sky. She closed her eyes and thought of the Human night sky. The roof transformed again into it.

“Can you see my star?” Shade looked amazed at the roof and the walls of the room. Polaris stood up and kissed him on his bright cheek.

“How did you….” He was amazed by the change.

“Look at the North Star,” She pointed at a blinking point at the black sky. “Can you see that blinking point next to Polaris? It is not as bright as my star by it is there. It is a new born star. Still nameless and young. It is you.”

“Me… My star… But how?”

“You will soon learn that there is no sense up here. There is magic and hope.” Shade sighed and suddenly she felt that he had doubt and sadness in his thoughts “What is it?” He looked at Polaris, feeling her emotions change, and kissed her to assure her.

“I know what I said… I don’t doubt it… What about my previous life though?” Polaris sighed as she ran her hand through Shades hair. He turned around to face her and touched her soft cheek. “I just met you and I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I need to know what is happening with my past right now… How can I know?”

“I do not know… I wish I did…” Polaris looked down at her feet. “My mirror won’t show anything unless someone is thinking of me.  Of my star… That’s how I saw you. I believe that the best thing to do is to talk to Manny.” Shade laughed gently.

“I don’t really think that he wants to see me right now… It was a bit awkward once I kissed you.”

“Oh… Well let’s go together.” Polaris took his hand as she kissed him softly on his lips. She was happy. 

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