Chapter 14

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He didn’t know what Manny sent him the moondust for, but he was sure it was to find Emma. He couldn’t help but think of Elizabeth while looking for Emma. He had pried more into his memories only to find she’d never told him, but why? Why wouldn’t she tell him? Did she think he wasn’t ready to be a father? Or did the thought of being parents just terrify her?

"Oh, Lizzy." Jack just wanted to hold her again. He looked at his hands. They looked a lot emptier without hers. He must have been really lost in thought because he’d almost flown right past the sleigh.

"Jack Frost!"

"North!" Jack smiled landing on the sleigh beside North. “Hey how are you?"

"Haha! I am great!"

"North, could you help me? I’m looking for someone. My… my daughter. I haven’t seen her since I was at the Warren with Bunny, and I’m getting worried."

"Ah, yes! I was just with girl!"

"You were?! With Emma?! When? Where?!"

"Ah, no. We looked for this Emma. Me and other girl."

"Other girl? Who is she?"

"Yes. She was… Hmm? What was her name?" North frowned looking around. “I know her name. Right on tip of my tongue." He gazed up at a star far his head. “AHA! That’s it! North Star!"

Jack frowned. “What about it?"

"The other girl. Her name is North Star. Polaris. She wanted to find this Emma as well. Says she’s a friend of hers."

"The North Star?"

"Yes. Although she wasn’t very starry." He paused watching Jack. “Let’s find your daughter, Jack."

"Thanks, North." Jack smiled weakly as North patted him on the back. They took off again to find the missing sprite. It wasn’t long before something ran into the side of the sleigh.

"ACK!" Jack looked over the side to find a teenage boy hanging from the side.

"Who gave you a licence?!" Jack pulled the ranting boy on the sleigh. The boy muttered something and brushed his blonde hair from his eyes. His eyes widened when he saw North. “Oh, its you."

"You! This is second time today you run into me sleigh!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah. Listen I’m a little busy."

"What happened to North Star?"

"She went back to the moon. Emma sucked the life outta her. Or she blasted Emma and used all her powers."


"Used her light powers on her. Emma went all crazy dark."

"Where is she? Where is Emma?" Jack grabbed his shoulders fear emitted on his face. The boy pushed him away.

"Hey! Chill, man. I’m trying to find her myself. What are you her… her boyfriend?"

"What? No! I’m her father."

"Seriously? When’d you have her? When you were two?"

Jack glared at the boy. He was really compelled to knock him off the sleigh and freeze him. Or freeze him and knock him off the sleigh. Which ever happened first.

Before he could though a cackle filled the air. Emma materialized behind the boy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on Link’s shoulder.

"Hi, Daddy. I see you met Link. Isn’t he just cute," she purred nuzzling Link.

Jack swore he saw the boy turn eighteen different shades of red. He stared at Emma. Something wasn’t right. This wasn’t the same girl he met earlier. Something was different. Something was… darker.

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