Chapter 9

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“Emma? Daughter of the moon, are you awake?” Shade crept into the icy chamber. It was colder than he remembered. He hoped the spring sprite was okay. Could she survive in a cold chamber long? “Emma?”

That’s when he saw her curled into a ball on the scratchy straw. She sat up holding her shoulders.

“Who’s there?” she questioned. Terror filled her eyes. Of course she wouldn’t be able to see. She doesn’t have night vision like Dreamtakers. She’d be able to see with little light, but he could see with no light.

“Don’t worry, Emma. It’s just me.”

“Shade?” Emma lifted her head to look in the direction his voice came from.

“Yes. It’s me. I’m going to get you out of here. The castle will be moving soon since it’s almost sunrise.” Shade stepped over to Emma and lifted her in his arms. She was so light. It was as if she was made of feathers. Shade closed his eyes and imagined the girl he’d seen. Emma said her name was Polaris. Was this Polaris as light as her friend? Perhaps she was lighter. She did seem to float. Almost as if her feet didn’t touch the ground.

“Shade, what happened to that crazy taker earlier?” Emma’s voice snapped Shade out of his daydream. He’d been so distracted he hadn’t noticed that he’d carried Emma out of the castle.

“What do you mean, Guardian?”

“You were fighting. Something about tonight and a deadline.”

“Oh.” Shade set Emma on the ground and handed her, her staff. He thought about how much trouble Link would be in if he didn’t catch that nightmare.

“It’s his Coming of Age Hunt. When a Taker turns 17 he has to catch his first dream or nightmare. That’s how you determine what side you’re on. Are you good or evil? It also determines your strength. You have to bring back a catch before midnight. If you don’t… If you don’t you must die.” Shade sighed running a hand through his hair. Emma remained quiet for the longest time.

“I see. Is there nothing you can do?”

Shade shook his head. “It would be dishonorable. Listen Emma forget it. Just go. You have to get away from here.”

“But will you be okay?” Shade smiled. Emma was a sweet girl.

“I’ll be fine. Go.” Emma nodded and flew off. Shade watched as she disappeared over the trees.


The moon was full and bright that night. The snow fell gently and silently. Elizabeth walked toward the lake and knelt before its edge.

“She’s beautiful, Jack. She’s so beautiful. Our little Emma is so beautiful. She’s going to be so kind. Her heart will be so pure. She’s truly a gift from God. I wish you were here to see her, Jack. I really wish you were still with me.” Tears began to trickle down her cheeks. Elizabeth brought the baby in her arms up to her face and nudged her gently.

“My beautiful daughter, I know you’ll do what’s right.”


Emma sighed. What was she doing? Shade obviously loved his little brother. She couldn’t just stand back and let him get killed. Well, it was either that or be corrupted. Neither was a good idea. If Link were to capture a nightmare… Emma didn’t want to think about it. She knew how a nightmare could turn a good man sour quick. After all General Kotzomis was a great man. The best general and a loyal father. After the nightmares corrupted him he became the most terrifying person in existence. The Boogeyman, Pitch Black.

“My beautiful daughter, I know you’ll do what’s right,” a voice echoed in her ear. Emma paused immediately and looked around. That voice was so familiar. Why?

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