Fire emblem (5-16)

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~Fire emblem fate jokes~

-I don't like you type, the joker type.

-I wonder if Owain,wants to come to my Odin.

-Kanna you not

- You Kanna be kidding me

-Takumi you're a fineapple

-Trying to dance like Azura (Aqua) you need a lot of water and a hose.

~The Niles section~

-That went zero to 100, real quick

-I'm stile in DENILES

-The NILES river.

- I want an EPONINE(I think that how you spell zero's daughters name.)

-My nosebleed for my husbando is as large as the Niles river, it went to zero to 100.

~Fire emblem awakening~

-That moment that you marry Ricken "I've just become a pedophile."

Me and Midknight1234 kept on making these and I thought I would post them.

So vote and comment if you have played Fire emblem!

Comment if you have a joke or pun or a pickup line

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