First day

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I woke up earlier than usual.The sun was rising ,the colour of the sky turning from light blue to orange to pink and to yellow.No matter how many times I have seen the sunrise it always takes my breath away.
I get ready for the day ahead and put my prefect badge carefully which reminds me of the meeting I have with the head boy and girl after dinner the next day.
As I enter the great hall I get some Hi's and hello's from different people and make some small talk after all you gotta keep up the appearance ,by the time I am finally able to sit both Albert and Olivia sit next to me and we are handed our timetables and compare them.
My first class of the day is DADA.
"Exactly what I will be needing if I have to do patrols with Riddle"I tell Olivia who gives a short giggle.And I might just be imagining it but I see the corners of Riddle's mouth twitch ever so slightly who isn't sitting far from us with his ......friends.
I reach the class and as professor enters I sit next to Olivia.He tells us about wand movements of a few spells and anounces a duel based on our performances .
While going to the next class I check the notice board and realize that tonight I will be patrolling with Riddle.


"What happened Elli " Olivia asks me.

"I knew I would have to patrol but so soon and with Riddle "

"Many girls would kill to be in your place "said a smooth voice behind me which belonged to none other than the infamous Tom Riddle.

"You should know Riddle that I am not just any other girl"

"Ofcourse you are not just any other girl,Who knows better than me.By the way See you tonight." He winked at me that @#%&*

Apparently I was not the only one who noticed.
Since Belle came up to me.

"Stay away from Tom. He is mine. Only mine."

"Listen do yourself a favor and keep him away from me.If he doesn't instigate me I stay away from him otherwise......"

At that she started laughing like a maniac

"You will fight him....hahahaha.."

It was so weird so before I lost my sanity and did some thing I would later regret Ole took me to our next class or rather dragged me. You are a prefect she reminded me justifying her actions.
"Hey Beautiful"I heard Reece say while I was going towards the Great Hall for Lunch.

"What is it now Reece"

Did I mention about Reece.
So here goes nothing .....
Reece is a Gryfindor ,He plays in the Quidditch Team.Chaser.The biggest Chaser of both balls and girls and a Prefect.

"I'm invisible"

"No you aren't Reece"

"Can you see me?"


"How about tonight."he says with a sugestive wiggle of eyebrows.

Before I could say anything Olivia replies for me.

"Nope not tonight she's going with Riddle"

At this his face falls and I see a tiny bit of fear or disappointment,can't decide because as quickly as it comes it disappears & without further thought I head to the great hall
I reach the common room to start my first patrol of the year and find Riddle waiting for me.As I reach him he asks me.

"Would you like to do this with me or without me."

"Lets do it together tonight shall we.."

"As you wish,this gentleman here will willingly help a damsel in distress"

"You are anything but gentle"I reply.

"And what makes you think so"he asks me

"Look I might not be a Ravenclaw but I sure know that some how everyone is scared of you"

"What about you ,are you not scared of me."

"I don't know really ,and I don't know why I'm discussing this with you."

For a few moments we are both silent.But me being me I can't really stand silence even when I'm alone I like hearing sounds such as birds chirping,slow sweet lullaby like songs or just my heart beating.

"Do you have any Friends ?"I blurt out

"What ?"clearly taken aback.

"Everybody surrounds you but you don't speak to them you never laugh and when you speak they hear what you have to say with admiration or sometimes with fear.Its more like your their leader"

He didn't say anything and I didn't want to violate his personal space.I had said much more than it was needed .We ended our patrol and I was about to leave.

"Would you like to go to the Astronomy Tower with me as we both have our books"

"Sure" I replied.
As I entered the tower I saw someone was already there,getting closer I realized it was Reece and moved forward to greet him but before I could say anything the professor entered.
"Settle down class,today we are going to do a group activity or a duo experiment.So pair up with your the person to your right ."
Since Reece was right next to me he was my partner.
The proffessor went on about how and what we were supposed to do.
"........The project is to be submitted next Thursday."
He told us.
We (ie me n reece) started doing the project.
While doing my planetary chart I asked Reece to pass me some sheets,he passed them but didn't say anything something about him was off.Generally he finds ways to talk to me and keeps me entertained with his jokes.
After the class ended and he was leaving I caught his hand.
"What happened" he asked slightly irritated

"What happened to you"


"Will you not leave me to my dorm its really late and I don't want to go alone,you know not everyone is a brave Gryffindor like you" at this he smiled.

"Why not madam this Gryffindor is always at your service."

We were walking through the corridors and he was silent again ,as you already know I don't like silence

"What happened;don't say nothing please tell me"

"Can I ask you something ?"he asked me out of the blue.

"Yeah offcourse " I replied a little dazed 

"Are you Dating Riddle?"

I could not stop laughing Me with Riddle.He must be insane.

"What's so funny?!?"he said clearly irritated with my reply.

Seeing the expression on his face I started laughing harder.Then finally replied.
"Nobody in there sane mind will date him and even if I loose my sanity I don't think I will be foolish enough to date him."

We had reached near the Slytherin Dorm.
"Oh...Ok then see you around."he said with a small smile and left.The thought was absolutely amusing.
I smiled to myself thinking what he had said.
Me and Riddle.Impossible .

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