The Aftereffect

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I leave them both to do their own things cause ladies and gentlemen I have a sister to save.

After talking with Al I became more determined to save my sister if that was even possible.I walk towards my dorm and crash into someone who grabs me before I fall.I feel muscular arms steady me {guess who they belong to} I come back to my surroundings and see Tom in front of me.
I stand looking towards the ceiling as if asking god why him of all people.
"I understand I'm attractive but that doesn't mean you keep on running into me."he says
"Oh please don't flatter yourself"
"So why did it happen"
"I was zoned out."
He looked at me if I was a specimen from another planet ie like I was a lunatic.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what."
"Like I've grown horns instead of hair"I said
And then he did the last thing I ever expected him of all people to do.
He laughed.
Yeah the famous serious Tom Riddle laughed and for a moment he looked like he didn't have a care in the world.Not a fake laugh but a real hearty one for someone so heartless.
And for that moment he looked more handsome than he really was if that was possible.
Wow I thought  he looked handsome way to go Elizabeth.
When he realized what happened he abruptly stopped.
"You should laugh more often."
"You look good when you do."
There I said it.
He looked into my eyes as if he was digging into my soul for answers and I felt naked in his gaze,its intensity was killing me.
"What"I say .
This breaks him from his daze and I run away from him before he is able to say anything to stop me or question me.
I sit in one of the abandoned class room reading the book .All I got from at reading for three hours is that the cure contains forbidden substances which are rarely found and hard to retrieve and only work at maximum stage one and slow degradation at two and don't work at stage three.The book has made me more hopeless than ever before.How am I supposed to save my sister.
I throw the book across the room.That is when I hear a beautiful sad melody playing on the piano nearby.I leave the book and follow the sound of this heartbreaking sound and am amazed to find Tom playing it, completely mesmerized all I'm able to is stare at him.
"You can stop staring at me Elizabeth."
How does he know.
"I'm not staring I was just listening to a beautiful piece of music."
"So what do you think it was about."
"A broken heart."
"Care to elaborate."
"well I can only guess its a sad song composed by someone who though couldn't feel but did do so and got his heart broken,he composed this song to be a reminder of all the good and the bad experience he got out of it to remember till his death."
"Rather sentimental than practical"
"Music is not music if it doesn't have feelings"
"Fair enough,so what brought you here"he asked rather accusingly.
"I was just in the next room when I heard the piano and then I came here.I should get going.See you later"
I went towards the slytherin dormitory only to find Olivia and Albert sitting and completing their work.
"So how's it going"I ask
"Hopelessly stuck"replied Al
"Guys take a break lets go to the great hall and have lunch."
"Yeah I'm starving" said Olivia
We were sitting in the great hall and I was thinking about my sister when Olivia screams in my ears
"Earth to Eli.Eli to earth"
"Stop bugging me Oli."
"What happened Eli you're zoning out a lot more and its not good .Tell me what's wrong"
"Me too"Al added
"Yeah him to."
"Its seriously nothing"
"now don't give me that no its nothing dude we are your friends ready to help you stand by your side or atleast comfort you"
I didn't say anything I couldn't I would break down if I did.
"I would tell you but it nothing major I'm kinda overworked nothing else"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes mama bear"
"Then sleep or take rest don't go out today"
"Yes mama bear"
"Hey don't call me mama bear "
She was right though I really should rest and give myself a break.
"Okay I will do that.I've had my fill I'm going to sleep."
Even though I didn't even touch a single morsel.
As I exit the great hall I hear someone calling me so I stop.
"Hey Elizabeth how are you?"
"Sick "
"Let me drop you so that you don't doze off anywhere ."
"I'm just tired not faintish."
"You seem off."
"Reece I don't have much energy in me to talk ,so it will help me a lot that you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut,before I over exert myself and break it."
"Pretty mouth..hmm."
"Okay I'll close this pretty mouth of mine"
I really didn't have energy left in me so I didn't say anything nor did I care anymore.
Instead of going to the slytherin dorm I find me and Reece going towards an old classroom.
"Where are we going?"
He opened the door.
"Suprise!!!" he said weakly that was new coming from a confident person like him ,but I guess the world is full of suprises and we are not what we seem to be.
"Really Reece"This was so sweet even for Reece.
The scene was soothing,there were magic trees,chirping birds clear blue sky and the edge of a lake.On the side of the fake lake there was a blanket set out and a picnic basket kept.
"Well I knew you are not really feeling well so I thought a lakeside picnic might cheer you up.It's nothing much."
"Its perfect."
"It is,I mean ofcourse it is I did it "his face broke out into a goofy grin.
We talked for a long time.Me and him.

We ate things from the picnic basket which he admited was made by the house elves of the hogwarts kitchen.

We were eating cheese sandwiches when a bit of sause got smeared at his face.
"Reece there's sauce near your mouth."
I told him handing him a napkin.
He just made it worse.
Boys can't do even a single thing right,so I took the napkin and helped him clean it.
It was mainly him talking and me listening.It was soothing and relaxing.I didn't even realize when I dozed off.

The next time I regained consciousness I was lying on my bed in the slytherin dorm.

Now how did that happen.I wasn't dreaming or was I.

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