Christmas Bells

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To domgrey13, Kollsbae for stars in my notification.. I hope you like this too.

Also I have published this poetry book please do read it if you like poetry.

Have a good day.

I stood at the entrace most people had dates or partners hence had gone inside already and here I was waiting for some unfortunate soul like me to come and take me to the party. Tom and Isabella had already left.

And then from the corner came Abraxas Malfoy his platinum blonde hair styled perfectly. And his robes of a slight cream fabric but mostly white. He looked up seeing me.

He passed me his arm. I silently took it.

"You look very pretty m'lady." Said Abraxas. The way he spoke at home and at school the things took a 180 degree turn.

Whereas at school he was the boisterous brat at the manor he became equally charming and responsible.

"Thank you lordship. You look very handsome this color suits you." I said curtseying for effect.

He shook his head and laughed.
I had only now noticed how his eyes were silvery gray and lit up the light from the numerous lamps reflecting in them or his laugh maybe his laugh.

We entered the hall, half eyes on us as we descended the staircase and half on others.

As soon as we landed Mrs. Malfoy came towards us.
"My darlings. Come I want you to meet some people."

I let go of his hand and he kept a reasonable distance between us as his mom led us to numerous people in whose conversation we both had no interest but feigned curosity.

At the corner of my eye every little while I kept searching for Tom.

Soon my mother found me keeping me in her company it was her idea of keeping me in check.
On top of that I had not seen Isabella either I wondered now where she had disappeared.

Since my mother would not leave me I took this time to see the surroundings. The house was decorated with the most beautiful and fragrant flowers and green ribbons. Fake snow seemed to be falling from the sky and the the ground was covered with fog. The beautiful windows were alternatively closed and let open. Various statues both stationary and moving were kept. And the food. Croissants, cakes, chocolate and creams and cookies. And a variety of soups and dishes. Grilled, baked. And fried.
The houselves passing champagne to the crowds and anti alcohol charm for those who were not supposed to drink.

I sighed picking up a glass. I wonder if wishes came true at christmas eve.
I closed my eyes praying to who ever was listening.

Please bring him to me if our hearts truly connect.

I opened my eyes to find them meet a set of blue.

Tom's POV

I spotted Elizabeths sister as soon as the sisters descended. I could sense the the shiver of fear in Eliza. I put on my most charming smile. In the future I would have to convince many purebloods. Why not start with Isabella Skylark.

She eyed me head to toe eyes unreadable. She was dressed immaculately. While Elizabeth's dresses always gave away their childlike opinion. This was class. She was wearing a very simple and elegant parrot green and creme colored dress. A simple neclace of pearls and matching studs. In contrast Elizabeth looked distasteful.  Isabella's golden hair was secure in a bun. Arched eyebrows, straight nose, lips thin in comparision to Elizabeth.

One might see them and find it hard to believe they were siblings at first site. But then you notice the gait. The matching skin tones. The slight curl in their hair and the relationship was undeniable.

She passed me a polite smile. Eyes unreadable as she took note of my appearance.

"Meet Tom Marvolo Riddle, sister." Eliza said introducing me.

"Tom meet Isabella Skylark. My wonderful sister." Elizabeth introduced.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Its enchanting to meet you." I said. She brought out her hand according to custom and I brushed it with my lips.

For some reason I didn't like her hands they were too fragile. With a pause I realised it was because they were very unlike Elizabeth's.

I was tempted to shake my head to get rid of this thought.

"May I?"

Isabella nodded as I lend her my arm looping through it.

We entered the ballroom leaving Elizabeth behind.

We danced. She was light on her steps almost like she was flying.
We danced not a word spoken between us.

The song changed. We went to the tables. I pulled out a chair she sat on it.

I sat beside her.

"Thomas. What an ordinary name." She taunted yet her voice remained neutral.

"What value does the name have without the worth of its owner. Miss Skylark"  I replied sure not to give away the fact that she had with her very first question hit a nerve.

"True. What are your hobbies interests. Elizabeth told me how you are the top student in their grade."

My very first thought was world domination but obviously that is not an answer. So I choose the next best.

"Knowing things."  I replied slow enough to show I was thinking.

"A very interesting thing indeed." She said now using a fork to eat a piece of strawberry cake.

She was about to say something when a voice interupted us.

"May I sit here?" A girl asked.

"Prince" Isabella acknowledged.

"Skylark."  Prince said a tinge of bitterness in her voice. She then added "who is this handsome young boy beside you?"

"None of your concern. And who gave you permission to sit here."

"As far as I know this is not your house even if it was Guest code apply."  Prince said simultaneously picking up a glass of wine. Another battle was going on here. Something which had made them bitter towards another.

Isabella looked like she would rather be anywhere but here. I took my chance and asked for a dance.

"Thank you." She said swaying gently to the tune.
I simply twirled her with the music. Staying silent.
"Let me cultivate your hobby before you try to uproot my secrets Tom.I guess it is better if I tell you the story.At least you are getting free entertainment..We were best of friends me , her and Zachary her older brother. We played together. Grew up. Shared toys and tutors. We loved each other in the purest form of emotion without any selfishness, any requirements. But then he started fancying. I do not know till now when it started. I remember how I would like to be his playmate more than anything and he was loyal with equal fervour. I would have fallen in love too. If one fateful day I had not met Jared. He was like a flower in the middle of snow. A miracle. Ah.. now you must think how stupid this lady is. But love makes a fool out of all. One day you will understand. You dont love Elizabeth as much as Zach loved me. Oh... you could see it in his eyes but I mistook affection as adoration." She stopped for a moment.

" I was blinded by mine he was blinded by his. Love that is. Renders all out senses usesless. It doesn't matter... if you love, you are a fool if you don't ,you are a fool. Anyway back to the story. . So our parents who have been family friends for generations decided to get  us engaged to be married . Me and Jared. I was over the moon. Same night I apparated to the Prince Mansion. To tell them this good news. I can never unsee what I saw that night. It was Zach. Red eyed, wrist slit, my name on the floor written with his blood. And Dead."

DRUM ROLLS...CReepy Music... Sad tunes dont forget to hit the vote button and comment.

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