A New Dawn

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I woke up to chirping birds, and the smell of a delicious meal, I opened my eyes to a wonderful surprise, my homecoming today was the day I could go back to normal routine as normal as was possible for me, many people hate monotony, doing the same thing again and again every day, I on the other hand loved it , Routine meant stability giving a sense of normalcy I craved.

I looked up to see the smiling faces of Olivia, Albert, Camille, Selene,Adrianna,Veronica, Sebastian, Aaron,Sabrina,Anne and even Euphemia had come. I smiled a genuine smile to the countless charming and caring faces before it hit me Reece was not here, I didnt let that dampen my spirits.

We talked which was basically they all told me how careless I was and how they hoped I get well soon.

They all settled,currently Camille was sitting next to me, I had been looking at Albert and Olivia and seemed to notice how they were slightly less awkward around each other, Camille saw my line of sight..

"Your plan worked,though you took the phrase beak a leg to your heart" she said.

"How" I asked.

"Not exactly how we planned but your breaking a leg and the rest of the body helped.After you got hurt he would not stop talking he was having a panic attack" I knew exactly why."Then Olivia got irritated she kept her hands on his shoulders then slowly as if thrice a dream she placed her hand on his cheek so he could look into her eyes and"


"They kissed" she chuckled.

They perhaps sensed my gaze upon them and came towards me.

"How are you Eli" Olivia asked.

"I am amazing but you already know that" I replied.

"Amazing yes but a liar" Albert accused.

Olivia gave him a look.

"What? Its true she promised she would help us in completing the homework"

"And here is the guy who was worried sick about her only moments ago" she mumbled.

I chuckled, they were so cute and I realized the pain was worth it, worth them and their happiness.

"And you." she said turning her attention to me"Dont you dare scare us like this again. I was so worried that you had gotten yourself killed" she was now teary eyed I opened my arms wide and she hugged me. I winced.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No I'm sorry"I said

Albert looked at us proudly and said."Thats my girl..uh, girls"

Before I could reply or say anything,Madam Christine ushered them outside claiming I needed rest and they could talk all they want after I was discharged.

I sighed content and drifted to the land of dreams.

I woke up and turned around after finally finding peaceful sleep I was really happy and found Reece looking upto me.

I tense.

"How are you ?"


"Dont be. My Feelings are my problems" he said getting up to leave.

My Heart Went Out To That Boy.

"Reece, stop.Please just listen to me okay." I requested.

He didnt say a word but sat down on the waiting chair of the infirmary.

" Why did you send me the gift." he asked when I was quiet again struggling to speak.

"Open the gift and the letter after it"

He opened the gift,I smiled excited.

"A wristwatch" he said.

"The note"

"Thanks for your Time and for watching out for me" he read aloud and his mouth turned into a mischievious grin.

"Really Elizabeth" he asked as a goofy grin broke out on my face which he mirrored

"Its a I-am-very-very-sorry-hope-you-forgive me gift" I said sincerely.

Dear Reece,
I know I should have said something,anything that day and believe me I'm sorry I didn't and it has been eating me sice.Reece,I dont know what to say.The logical side of me tells me you will easily find someone, anyone more good looking, more clear hearted,better than I could ever be and you deserve that.You have a bright future ahead of you, you have more freedom than most purebloods could ever dream of because of all that cold war politics and I dont want to be the reason your dreams and ambitions get destroyed.My demons haunt me more than I would like to admit and I dont want my fears and insecurities to destroy the essence of hope,happiness and home in you. You say I dont talk to you,have you ever wondered perhaps it's because I find peace in your company that I dont have to tell you how I feel for you to know to understand or to do something about it.You simply know everything and when my ground shakes I know you will be my safety net,My brave Gryffindor.Honestly, I dont know what love is,but if love is caring for someone,I do.If its missing them when they're gone,I do.If it is feeling pain when they are hurt,I do.If its smiling when you think about them,I do.If its smiling just because they do,I do.Ido.Ido.Ido,I love you.Fleamont Richards'Reece'Potter.

"I love you too Liz" he whispered smiling and I was again left speechless and a gut wrenching feeling took over me as he read the second part of the letter
All this being considered I'm not ready for a relationship and I don't expect you to wait for me as I can not promise you it would be worth the wait.I need time and space for I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. However if you still decide to wait I promise to come out clean and give us my best shot.
Yours Love

He looked up at me admiration evident in his eyes.
"A wise man once said a thing that can make you smile is worth it."

So I smiled at him
and he but smiled at me
Looking at each other
We were finally set free

Never have I ever lived in an hour more divine
Your eyes lost in mine
Promises to be kept to the end of time.

A/n:  the poem is written by me not the one in the pic, short update and I know its supposed to be tom Riddle love story but im coming to that .all views votes comments are appreciated thanks a ton they truly make my day.

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