Twists and Turns

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To MehwishMobeen0 for the shooting stars in my notifications and to all you wonderful beautiful lovely people who have not given up.

To stars that
even when
they are overshadowed
by the sun

I half ran half walked to meet my parents for tea. My cheeks red now could  be excused by the running in cold weather instead of a blush that turned me scarlet. I was finding out just now why people felt like giving away lives for this delirious maddening rush. My thoughts now constituted of one person. Two words. Nine letters and a ton of feelings. Tom Riddle.

I was sure he would drive me crazy. Except it seemed so that insanity would not be so bad. I was truly and properly going mad.

As I entered the room I found emotions contrasting to mine colouring the room. The Goodwin's sat with my family all their expressions sombre, waiting, doomed. Except Father and Uncle Gellert who seemed to be in the middle of an argument.

"I beg your pardon for being late" I intervened.

They stopped refusing to look at each other.

"Come along now and close the door behind you" Isabella fussed after casting a silencing charm.

I went to sit beside her.

"Is something wrong " I enquired.

Silence was my only answer.

Suddenly Uncle spoke up.

"Elizabeth Dear. Would you like some tea?"

I was about to say no but then reconsidered my decision.

"I... uh. Yes Uncle."

He nodded almost absentmindedly.

"We want to tell you something."

"What is it uncle."

I was so screwed what if they had decided to pull me out of school with a war going on and tge recent death fiasco.

"No I shall not leave school." I spoke out stupidly. And Tom. I added in my mind.

"Yes ... wait a minute who told you that."  Uncle Gellert said suprised and then amused.

I went up to my Dad because Mother would murder me if I told her I had a boyfriend that too one who was not only a halfblood but had no powerful family nevermind he could earn the money and keep me happy.

"Papa you must understand I'm in my OWLs year. Papa I love you. But I cannot leave school like this and because of what. Some stupid or smart depending on the way you look at it person decides he is better than anyone else.Please dont make me drop out I just became a prefect." I said catching my fathers hand.

My father looked proud of me for some reason and slightly teary.

"You are my daughter Elizabeth and nothing will ever change that."  He said pointedly.

Well it seemed like I was not in much trouble for some reason thank the angels for that.

"I sincerely apologise Uncle what is that you were saying." I say.

Uncle looks pretty stiff ,sighs and pulls on his million galleon smile.

"Nothing my dear. Aunt has baked  your favourite custard crossaints for you. Now drink the tea before it cools. Everybody join us." He said.

I let out a breath only to spot a pointed look from Isabella and a very scary and dangerous one from mother dearest probably from my lack of etiquette.

Its your fathers choice what he decides will be best and when you are married your husbands.bla blah bla....

But they would have to wait until after Christmas. So I munched on my delicious custard crossaints.

A few hours later I was sitting in front of the dresser. With my sister tut-ing over me.

"Heaven has granted you the gift of stupidity." She told me poking a pin in my elaborate hairdo.

"Ouch." I exclaimed.

"You might as well have taken a ice bath in the snow the situation you have landed yourself into." She said passing me Silver earrings.

She had yet to get ready. She was always late to party's people thought of it as her being fasionably late but it was usually because she would change my jewellery and hairstyles more times than I could care to count.

"You need to get ready."

"Hmm." She muttered a pin on her mouth. Magic drained her she told me.

"So when am I meeting him?"

"Whom Isabella. I think Jared is only coming for the Christmas Soiree not the eve party. Do you think he'll suprise you. How romantic."
I swooned they were my top match.

She blushed I saw as her pale skin turned crimson and she laughed. I envied the grace with which she laughed.

"No you idiotic lady. Your 'boyfriend'." She said.

"Oh you can meet him. I.. will tell you to meet I mean him to meet you."

I say messing my words.

"So I will go and tell him."

I say rushing to leave. She nods as I leave. I run and knock into his door.

"Have patience woman." Says Abraxas as he opens the door.

He stands there half naked and swears as he sees me standing eyes closed.

"Get a robe you prude."

He keeps swearing and moments later asks me to open my eyes.

"Why are you here?" He asks annoyed.

Rude arrogant bastard.

"Where's Tom? I thought this was his room."

"Across the hall third from the glass vase."

I nod wondering why they had changed rooms.

I knock.
Tom opens the door.I go and sit on the bed without preamble or a word.
I cover my face with my hands.

"Bella wants to meet you." I tell him

"Your sister." I nod.

"Hey its ok leave it to me. And a face as pretty as yours its injustice to cover it."

"I also overspoke and my mother is probably going to kill me."

"Ah.. that explains it."

"I'm stupid."

" I know."

"Rude." I pout.

"Dont tempt me Eliza."

"Tempt you... oh."

"Yes. 'Oh'" 

I blush remembering our episode from earlier.

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. We sit like that moments, hours, eternities . Time is eternal. Time is illusion. This moment is an infinity and all I know is that now that it has come to pass no one can take it away from me this single moment of beauty, of love, of peace. 

But oh how naive was I really. We were magic and magic can create as well as destroy time.
And memories either your brain steals them or time taints them or somethings else.

There is nothing like a happy ending.
There never was.
Never will be.
Though there is an end.
Always an end.

Guys please check out my poetry book.. 10 chapters published. Thanks .
An wow they are so cute my lovelies anyway Im soooooooo glad the 1st part has more 1K reads which is a big deal for me cause I have been writing this for so long it makes me so happy especially the reads on the latest chapter. I am grateful to my readers. Each one of you. Stay safe. Stay happy enjoy
Dont forget to vote comment and smile.

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