Preparations ii

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Somebody coughed loudly-if I may say so-in the distance. I looked to find Reece giving me the draft copy of our progress. Tom left.

"Oh!" I said raising my hand to my forehead absentmindedly but thankfully.

"Thank You" I told him as I turned to go.

"Smart Choice you made there, Nice leadership skills exibited."

"Thanks" I told him yet again.

"Are you sure there is nothing going between you and Riddle"

"I am so not having this conversation again Reece"

"So There is something going on" I looked at something in disbelief.

"I dont know how to explain it to you, He is just my Counterpart, the Male Slytherin Prefect. If I talk to him civilly it doesnt mean I'm romantically involved with him." 

I know that was pretty blunt but I was irritated.Clearly.

"So you talk to me because I'm a Prefect"

"Are you crazy, are you absolutely insane, I talk to you because you are a .. friend"

"I dont want your friendship, dont you understand what I'm trying to tell you since the year started;How can you be so -so blind; you understand what everyone else tells you,even Riddle.You dont even care what I say I do,  Have you ever wondered why I come and talk to you, why I fight with you and sometimes even argue with you. You think I like that , no I dont but that is when I get your attention.You are always busy either with pouring into books in the library, your prefect duties,your friends,your head. As absurd as it may sound you simply get lost in looking at the leaves, the water the snow as.. as if you understand what they are trying to tell you, but me. No the great Elizabeth Skylark can talk to Tom freaking Riddle, flirt with him, but doesn't see the one who would lay his heart bare at her one word.Fall down to his knees for one smile."

He looks at me perhaps expecting a reply but I was at loss for once, one time when I need to speak words wont come out of the damned mouth of mine,He looked at me and was gone dissappointed with my reply or lack of it.

At dinner a paper swan came towards me.

So Reece had got over it(thankfully), my smile dissapeared as I read the message

Meet me at the 7th Floor midnight

                                                          ~Tom M Riddle

My disappointment burned the paper, I couldn't eat or rest. I decided to go meet Riddle see what he had to say.


Riddle and I were duelling  in what he called the Room of requirement (facinating as it would adjust itself to our needs)

"You are angry" he noted as I was panting with the severety of the spells exaustion and empty appetite taking control.

"I'm not" I said firing another spell he easily deflected.

"We are done for today" he said.

"No we are not" I whined-talk about childish.

"Stupetify" he said simply and I was stunned.

He sat down on a sofa that appeared at the moment and drank some water and jeerily forwarded me a glass.

I smiled inwardly.

Wait a moment.

"Now, now Elizabeth" he chided.

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