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As it always does, life continued, never stopping for any one, no matter what the circumstance. 

As Alex walked to Rian's house the autumn breeze made him shiver. The grey coloured beanie and hoodie did nothing to protect him from the cold and he wished he'd taken his mom up on the ride she had offered him. 

He felt like clearing his head though, the last 2 months had been a whirlwind of foreign emotions and he had days where he wasn't able to concentrate, too wrapped up in the world around him. The band had been playing small shows around Baltimore and places just outside the city, which was amazing no doubt. 

Things were going well, but there was one thing in particular that was always consuming his thoughts. One person to be specific. He couldn't crack her, couldn't figure out the hot tempered stubborn Violet Dawson as much as he had wanted to. After the party the first week of school she completely disconnected, almost as if she'd built up walls so strong the good couldn't even touch her. He hardly ever saw her happy anymore, and he'd reached out to her more times than he could count. She reminded him of himself in the way that she smiled at everything around her as if nothing was wrong, when he knew it wasn't the truth. 

It was a saturday afternoon and Alex's parent's were having guests over, leaving Alex to his own devices. He had fallen victim to severe boredom, not even video games were able to hold his attention. He decided to take a shortcut through the park, one long abandoned by children in the neighbourhood. It was an old playground that the city never bothered to have fixed up, and it wasn't exactly the type of place parents really wanted to take their young kids. 

Alex's eyes scanned the park as he came through the catwalk, landing on a figure that was sitting on the climber faced away from him. It was a girl no question, and as he neared the jungle gym he had no doubt it was Violet perched up there, oblivious to the fact he was coming up behind her. 

When his feet hit the gravel that surrounded the old climber she immediately jumped, 

"Geez Lex" she said with a sigh as she realized who it was, "You scared me half to death,"

"Hey Violet" he said, "Mind if I join?" he asked, climbing the rickety ladder up to the platform where she sat. She scooted over with a nod, making room so he could hang his legs off the edge like her. 

She was wearing a thin, navy blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of grey skinny jeans, her skin pale white from the cold breeze that blew through the park. 

"What are you doing out here without a sweater?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow, "Its almost the end of October.."

She just shrugged, "What brings you out here, Gaskarth?" she replied, answering his question with a question. 

"I was coming over to your place to see if Rian wanted to hang" he replied, glancing up at her. 

"He's hanging out with that girl from school, what's her name.. Anna?"


"Yeah her, they're watching a movie or something in the basement" she replied scrunching up her face. 

Alex just laughed, "Ew, did they kick you out?"

"No, I was more than willing to leave" she replied with a smirk. 

They sat together in comfortable silence for a while, taking in the depressing scenery of the beat up old park they were in. 

"Do you ever wonder what other people's lives would be like if you were never born?" Violet asked after a few minutes, breaking the silence between them. 

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