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Rian walked over and flopped down on the bed next to Alex. 

"Sorry Rian" Alex said, smacking Rian on the stomach. 

"It's fine" he replied in a monotone voice, "She was kind of weird anyway, she kept trying to show me pictures of her horse."

Violet burst out laughing but quickly put a hand over her mouth. 

Alex and Rian both lifted their heads to look at Violet with puzzled looks on their faces. 

"Sorry" she laughed, "never mind."

They both laid their heads back down and continued staring at the ceiling. 

"Where did you guys come from anyway?" Rian asked, 

"I found Violet at the park" Alex offered. 

"Ohh" Rian replied, pausing for a moment to wonder why Violet would have been at the park. "I can't believe your parents are letting you have a party on Friday by the way." 

"Yeah, how did you pull that off?" Violet asked. 

"My parent's are going away for the night and apparently they trust me more than they should" Alex replied with a laugh. 

"How many people are going?" Violet asked nervously, her stomach flipping as she thought of the last party she went to. 

"I don't know, I guess it depends how many people tell their friends" Alex replied, "will you guys help me set up and stuff? I was thinking..."

"Oh no here it comes" Rian cut in, "Your plans are always the worst"

"Oh shut up" Alex replied, rolling his eyes, "I was going to say that we should dress up as the Justice League." 

Rian just laughed, 

"I'm serious it would be legit!" Alex replied, laughing too, "I call Batman though"

"If this is happening and I'm not saying yes then I'm definitely Super Man" Rian replied. 

"You're both fucked if you think I'm dressing up as Wonderwoman" Violet scoffed,

"You have to, I would ask Jack but I really don't want to see him bare his hairy legs all evening" Alex joked, sitting up. 

"No way!" Violet protested, shaking her head, "I'm not walking around in just underwear all night"

"Just submit Violet, it's happening. You can't have a Justice League without Wonder Woman" Alex argued, a grin spreading across his face. 


Low and behold the very next day, somehow Alex managed to get everyone over to his house so his mom could measure them for costumes. 

"Are you sure you want to make all of these costumes Mrs. Gaskarth?" Rian asked as she measured the length of his arm with a measuring tape. Everyone was watching from the couch where they were seated in the living room. 

"Of course! Alex hasn't let me make his costume in years!" she replied with a genuine smile, scribbling down the length of Rian's arm on a white piece of paper she had next to her. 

 After a half hour of arguing, they decided that Alex would be Batman, Rian would be the Green Latern, Jack would be the Flash, Zack would be Super Man and Violet would be Wonderwoman. Violet begged Jack to be Wonderwoman instead but no one in the group agreed that they wanted to see Jack in a body suit. 

After a bit more pleeing, Alex's puppy dog eyes, and a promise to go out for icecream Violet finally agreed. It would be pretty cool for the Justice League to be hosting the Halloween party for their grade after all. After Alex's mom finished taking their measurements, the kids went back to the Dawson's house so the guys could have band practice. It was Sunday now, and they had until Friday night until the party. 

 The boys practiced for a few hours and Mr. Dawson ordered them a pizza around 7:00. After hanging out for a little longer everyone went home to go to bed, unlucky for them tomorrow was a school day. 

The week went by as usual, but for Alex things seemed a bit different between Violet and him. He felt as though he'd almost opened up some trust between them and he liked how she seemed even just a little happier. Even if it was only a little, it was something. 

He knew though how people talked about her, sometimes he was surprised people said anything about Violet in front of him because everyone knew they were friends. It shocked him how cruel some people could be but he didn't think it was any use cutting into other people's conversations to defend her, even though he wanted to. He hoped that eventually things would die down and people would start to accept her as one of their friends. The thing was though, the guys were her only friends, no body else went near her as if she had the plague. 

She didn't seem like she cared about what other people thought but Alex knew it was all an act, he knew it hurt her that the only people who wanted to talk to her were her twin brother's friends. At the end of the day he knew people would be cruel, but he'd do anything he could to make her feel like she had someone she could trust in him. 


It was the middle of the week now, and Alex watched as Violet entered their AP English classroom. She was wearing tight a short grey tube dress, tights and a black leather coat. No body payed any attention to her but Alex couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

As she slid into the desk next to him he noticed the grey circles that marked her eyes, she gave him a tired smile before reaching into her bag for her English binder. 

"Are you alright?" Alex couldn't help but ask. 

"Yeah, I'm fine why?" Violet replied, brushing a piece of hair out of her face. 

"You just look tired" Alex replied with a shrug. 

"Nightmares I guess" Violet answered. 

"Thanks for agreeing to be Wonder Woman" Alex said, playfully kicking her foot under the desk. 

"Don't forget about that icecream Gaskarth" she replied back with a laugh that quickly turned into a sigh, "Do you think people are going to give me a hard time at the party?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, having a pretty good idea of what she meant. 

"I mean, do you think Elizabeth and her friends are going to pull something stupid? I haven't given them any trouble lately and I was hoping they'd just forget I existed."

"Don't worry" he replied placing a hand on her shoulder, "The Justice League will make sure nothing bad happens."

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