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Alex sat impatiently in the art room waiting for the bell to ring. He arrived early, unsure how to spend the rest of his lunch period. When he came upon the fight earlier, it took him all but 2 seconds to recognize  the small brunette that had just received a sharp punch to the mouth. He'd give it to Elizabeth, she knew how scrap.

Elizabeth's friends Lisa and Ashley were there too and the whole ordeal quickly caused kids to crowd around them. Fights we'rent typically something that happened often in his high school. No one would dare fight the most popular girl in school either, it was social suicide. Alex and the guys had always gotten along with them, they weren't best friends or anything but they all kind of ran with the same crowd. 

Alex had no idea why Violet was in the middle of a fight at all, but after he made eye contact with another guy from across the courtyard both of them went in to break the two girls up. 

Alex got his arms around Violet's small body, easily whisking her away from the scene despite her thrashing limbs. Taking her around the corner, all she did was yell at him. He gave it right back to her but when she started to cry he really felt bad. The poor girl had been through more than anyone should have to deal with at their age and he wanted to make things better for her. 

As he sat there in the art room, recalling the look of Violet's hurt face when they had been standing there behind the school, he felt his stomach twist in knots at how completely broken she looked.

The other kids had finally started filing in, Alex had taken art classes with them in the previous years so most of them were familiar. His friend Dylan came and sat down next to him and the two chatted about their summers for a few minutes.

Just then Violet appeared in the doorway looking flustered. Even though she had a panicked look on her face and a swollen lip she still looked more beautiful then any girl he knew. Unsure of whether or not to call her over, he let her eyes wander around the room until they made eye contact. She seemed unsure of what to do as well, until she realized that the seat beside him was one of the only ones left. Alex was secretly happy she'd have to sit beside him in at least one class for the rest of the year.

Realizing the seat next to Alex was the only one left, Violet made her way across the classrrom. She knew he was probably mad at her for snapping at him, he was only trying to help and she knew that. She didn't want his help though, she wanted people to leave her alone and not notice her. She'd gotten off to a great start she thought to herself.

The teacher started class, handing out the course outline like in every class she'd been to that day. Their teacher's name was Ms.Bell. She was a young quirky lady, she seemed energetic and enthusiastic about the art program. She explained the assignments and work they'd be doing for the semester, and apparently at the end of they year they'd be having an art show to display their work.

They all sat and listened to her talk for almost the whole period, Violet couldn't help but tune her out, her arms crossed tightly across her chest. Finally when there was only ten minutes left in class she finished, allowing them to talk amongst themselves. 

Alex turned to chat with Dylan who was sitting next to him. Dylan's eyes were flickering to the girl who had sat on the other side of his friend, shooting curious looks at Alex. 

"Dylan this is Violet" he finally said realizing what his friend was trying to hint at, "Violet, this is Dylan"

She gave him a half smile and a small wave. 

"Violet is Rian's twin sister" Alex added.

"Rian has a twin?" Dylan asked, suprise washing over him. 

"It's a long story" Alex replied, feeling a little awkward about the whole conversation suddenly.

Dylan must have sensed the awkwardness and attempted to change the subject, "Anyway, you hear about that fight at lunch? I heard some girl just walked up and attacked Elizabeth or something? Crazy bitch, I heard she sucked anyway. Didn't even leave Elizabeth with a mark" Dylan laughed, and Alex's eyes widened.

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