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Just like Tuesday, the rest of the week continued until it was finally Friday. Thankfully for Violet she hadn't had any problems with the kids who had been giving her a hard time. Elizabeth shot her some fake smiles in the hallway, and Lisa always somehow made an appearance the second her and Alex ended up alone. It didn't really bother her though, they bickered constantly about the dumbest things. Thankfully the lunch bell rang, and Violet and Alex got up from their English class with the rest of the students.

"Are you coming to the party with us tonight?" Alex asked Violet once they got into the hallway.

"Ha, I don't think so. I wasn't exactly invited" she just chuckled, completely unamused by the idea of spending any more time with those popular kids than absolutely necessary.

"Everyone was invited, I'm sure you won't even see Elizabeth." Alex replied, for some reason hoping she would change her mind. Even though they had little arguments Alex liked that she spoke her mind, she wasn't afraid to challenge him when she believed in something, he liked that.

Just then, a hyper as ever Jack bounded down the hallway and grabbed Violet and Alex into a giant bear hug.

"My dad let me borrow the car, lets go to McDonalds!" Jack exclaimed, practically suffocating the two unwilling victims.

"Yes!" Alex cheered, wiggling out from Jack's grasp.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to go get some of this essay done" Violet replied, rolling her eyes with a joking laugh and turning to head toward the cafe. Who was she kidding? She wasn't going to start her dumb essay, she was going to sit in her usual spot with the perfect unusual boy who had continued to join her for lunch all week.

Leaving Jack and Alex behind, Violet began to make her way down the hallway. She wasn't sure what Austin was all about, he wasn't in any of her classes but he was mysterious. Warning signals were going off in her head but she couldn't help herself. Rounding the corner and heading into the bustling cafeteria Violet went for her table, sitting down and taking out her book.

Like usual, after a few minutes Austin greeted Violet with a warm smile and took a seat across from her, pulling out one of his books too.

"Hey" she smiled at him.

"Hey beautiful" he replied, flashing a crooked smile and looking down at his novel.

Violet's heart began to race at his last word, what was going on here? She was the plainest, most under the radar girl at this school, why was he interested in her? She just smiled shyly and kept reading her book. Her mind began to wander, and Violet realized that she had been keeping these lunch meetings a secret from the guys. Not that they had a place in her business but they actually were her only friends. She couldn't quite place it, but almost a feeling of embarrassment at her crush on this beautiful boy made her not want to tell them, they'd make fun of her for sure. The boys always seemed to be getting up to some sort of trouble at lunch anyway so she was left to her own devices.

"Coming to the party tonight?" his voice broke the silence and pulled Violet from her thoughts.

"Uh, no. No I don't think so.." she trailed off.

"Why? Its going to be huge." he asked with confusion, raising an eyebrow at her.

"The hosts don't exactly have me on their list of friends" she just replied with a half laugh.

"Well you're my friend and I want you to come" he replied simply.

Violet just looked at him, unsure of what to say.

"How about you meet me there? I'll wait by the stairs" he said with a wink, then looked back down at his book.

"I..uh.." she stuttered.

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