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"You're terrible" Violet laughed, clutching her stomach. 

"Terribly awesome" Alex replied, waving his ice cream spoon at Violet who was sitting next to him. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever" she laughed, rolling her eyes, "I should get going, my dad is going to be wondering where on earth I ran off to." 

Violet got to her feet, putting her spoon in the sink. 

"I'll walk you home" Alex replied, "Wait here I'm just going to go tell my mom where I'm going." He got up  too, throwing what little ice cream was left into the freezer and darting out the door of the kitchen. 

Violet slipped on her Vans and stood by the back door, waiting for Alex to join her. She was surprised when a middle aged woman came through the doorway into the kitchen instead, Alex at her tail. 

"Hello dear, you must be Violet" the woman said in a British accent, "I'm Isobel" she said smiling and pulling Violet into a hug, "So you're Rian's twin sister? You look so much like him!"

Alex rolled his eyes from where he stood behind his mother. 

"I've been told" Violet replied, smiling back at the woman standing infront of her. 

"Well dear you're welcome here any time! Make sure this young man walks you home though, its getting dark" she finished, patting Alex on the shoulder. 

"That's what I was about to tell you we were doing before you got all excited" Alex replied, stifling a laugh. 

"Alright, alright dear" she replied, "It was nice meeting you Violet!"

"You too" Violet replied softly before Alex quickly ushered her out the back door, throwing her his hoodie. 

Violet opened her mouth to protest but Alex interrupted, "I brought my jacket, put that on" he said pointing to the sweater in her hands. 

"Sorry about that" Alex said as they made their way around the side of the house. 

"Your mom is so cute" Violet replied tugging the sweater on over her shoulders, "Where's your British accent though?"

"Faded away" 

"Too bad, you'd be way cuter with one" she replied, the corner of her mouth turning up into a smile. 

"You're walking on thin ice tonight shorty" Alex replied shoving her arm lightly. 

"I am not short!" she replied, "And I'm just telling it like it is!"

"Yeah you're a giant, all 5 feet of you" Alex joked back. 

"I'm 5'3 thank you very much" she replied with a huff. 

"Sure you are" he responded, 

Violet shoved him so he stumbled slightly to the side. 

"So you're from England then?" 

"Just outside London" Alex replied, 

"I've always wanted to go there" Violet responded, looking over at the messy haired boy walking beside her. She wondered how she managed to land a friend like him, he acted like an arrogant asshole sometimes but she was learning that he was a really good guy underneath it all. 

"Next time I go there I'll make sure to pack you in my suitcase" he replied with a smile, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. 

"All I'm asking" she smiled back. 

They wound their way through the residential streets until they were at the Dawson house. 

"Coming in?" Violet asked as they approached. 

"Why not" he shrugged, "Let's go hang with Rian and his lady friend" Alex finished, wiggling his eyebrows. 

Violet pushed the side door open to find her father and Kathi sitting at the kitchen table. 

"We almost sent out he search party for you Violet" Mr. Dawson said sternly, "Its dark out, where have you been?"

"I was just--"

"It was my fault, we went for a walk and lost track of time" Alex cut in charmingly, Violet's dad rolled his eyes but finally smiled. 

"Do me a favour and make sure no hanky-panky is going on down in the basement would you?" he replied, 

"Ew dad" Violet laughed, Alex joining in.

They crept down the stairs anyway, trying to sneak up on the pair who looked to be watching 'Dirty Dancing'. They snuck quietly down the basement staircase, Alex lifted his finger to his mouth shushing Violet as they neared the back of the sofa. Waiting for the right moment, the two jumped out and began belting the words to Love is Strange in usinson with the television. 

"Sylvia?" Alex began,

"Yes Mickey?

"How do you call your lover-boy?"

"Com'mere Loverboy!" Violet played along. 

"And if he doesn't answer?" Alex sang, jutting his hip out. 

"Ohh Loverboy" Violet laughed. 

"And if he still doesn't answer?" Alex sang back with sass, flopping over the back of the couch and landing in Rian's lap. 

Rian couldn't help but laugh too, pushing Alex to the floor where he landed with a thud but not before kicking Andrea right in the head on the way down. 

Violet's eyes widened as she watched from behind the couch, Andrea yelling in frustration as she grabbed her head. Rian quickly paused the movie and moved to comfort her. 

Alex shot a nervous glance toward Violet from where he was lying on the floor, she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. 

"I'm sorry Andrea" Alex said bashfully, "I promise I didn't mean to kick you"

She looked up from her spot on the couch, "It's fine" she replied with a scowl. Rian looked at both of them, trying to convey his message of 'get out of here' as best he could. Alex got up quickly, following Violet who was B-Lining for her bedroom. 

Violet shut the door behind them and tried hard not to laugh too loudly. Alex was laughing too as he flopped down on her bed. 

"Smooth moves Gaskarth" she said, looking around her room and mentally thanking herself for cleaning it earlier that morning. 

"Do you think Rian's going to kill me?" 

"Maybe, you might have scared off the only girl remotely interested in him" she replied with a laugh, perching on her desk. 

"So what are you being for Halloween?" Alex changed the subject, staring up at the ceiling. 

"Myself? Aren't you too old to go trick-or-treating?" 

"You dress up for parties dummy" he replied, sitting up, "come on you have to dress up, Halloween is the best holiday"

"What are you being?" she shot back, narrowing her eyes. 

"It's a surprise" he replied, "But my parent's said I could throw a party at my house on Halloween and you can't get in without a costume."

"Who said I was coming to your party?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Says me" Alex said, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. 

At that moment Violet's bedroom door flew open to reveal an annoyed looking Rian Dawson, with the farthest thing from a grin on his face. 

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