Chapter 2--------------------->Pic of Cole

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 Coles POV

I pull into the fire station to see what my guys are up to. I don’t really feel like going home yet to my empty bed especially after seeing the hot little brunette skinny dipping just a short while ago. I put my truck in park and head on upstairs. As usual everyone is around the TV playing Wii and eating pizza just waiting for another call to come in. I am greeted as I walk through the door by the closest thing that I have left to family.

My parents died a couple years back in freak boating accident off the gulf coast. I am an only child and I was out west at my uncles finishing up some training when it all happened. I really didn’t spend much time out at my parent’s ranch but when I came to sort out everything in the will I kind of fell in love with the place. The south has that way of doing that to you. 

I grab a slice of pizza and head over to the couch to kick my heels up. Jay, who’s basically a brother to me, is already naggin me about what I’m doing back here instead of going out and having a good time. I rarely get a night off on the weekends so I start to wonder that myself. Well I guess I had wanted to go for a swim earlier but someone had changed my plans. I need to find out who in the world that girl is. I didn’t think anyone else knew of that little spot but apparently she knew it well.

I couldn’t really get into the guy’s conversation since I had other things on my mind so I said my goodbyes and headed back to my ranch. I left my windows rolled down so I could smell the night air. Chester barks to greet me as I pull in which brings a smile to my face. At least someone’s waiting for me at home.

Chester waits at the door while I go in for some scraps and more water. He licks my hand in appreciation and devours his meal. I look at the clock and see its 1 o’clock in the morning. I moan grumbling that I’m not going to have a good night sleep again. Working a ranch starts at the ass crack of dawn which is now just 4 hours away.

Making my way out of bed the next morning, I flip the coffee pot on and stumble to the bathroom. I jump in the shower and finally start to wake up. I dress in my old wranglers a white t shirt and my worn out boots. I grab my Stetson and am out the door.

I walk out to the barns and hop in to the Kubota to grab some hay for the horses and the few cattle I have left around here. When I finish I head back up to the main stalls. Pepper nudges my back as I turn to clean up. He hasn’t gotten the attention he’s used to lately. I guess we’ll have to go for a run later on, I think as I pat his head.  

Pepper is a black and white American paint gelding that’s 17”hh. He’s a great riding horse and very well behaved. There is also Missy who is an all white filly with bright blue eyes and ginger who’s a pretty Bay Mare. Ginger can get pretty rowdy though. I don’t think she appreciated it much when I had Pepper castrated. 

Once the pumps were checked over and gate was fixed it was already 2 in the afternoon. I had to be in at the station at 4 to start my shift and I still haven’t taken Pepper out. Not being able to ignore him again, we head on out into the pasture so we can run a few laps. We get out to the pond and Peppers drinks some of the cool water.

As I’m leaning up against the big oak tree I let my thoughts drift to business. I think I could use a ranch hand to take care of things while I’m at the station. I’ve been really lucky that nothing has happened yet while I’m away.

The nearest neighbors are about 5 miles away so if something would happen they probably wouldn’t notice anyway.  The back end of their acreages sits up against mine but I don’t think I’ve saw them this far but only a handful of times since I came back to live here. From what I’ve noticed it is just a couple in their higher 50s. I have seen some little ones playing in the front yard a couple times though… maybe grandkids?

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