Chapter 7

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Hey Yal! Hope you enjoy this chapter. It took me longer than what i would have liked to get it up but its been crazy busy around my house lately. Who knew building a new house would be so complicated! lol anyway hope yal like vote comment ect =)

“Are you sure about this honey? You know you can stay here as long as you need.” My dad says while trying to comfort my mom.

“I know I don’t have to leave but I want to do this. You know I love you guys but I will just be down the road. I’m not moving hundreds of miles away this time. I’ll see you all the time.” I tried to reassure them. “I’ll be here all Saturday too to visit with Gabe and Melodie and the kids. You won’t have a chance to miss me. I promise.”

Sighing Daddy gave me a small kiss on my forehead and left the room with mom in tow. I go back to the box I was packing. I’m glad I didn’t unpack a lot yet. There are just a few nick knacks and some toiletries left to get and I’ll be on my way.

Before walking out of the house I tell my parents good bye and make sure they know I’m coming back on Saturday so I can visit with everyone. I gave them both a hug and walked out the door feeling a little guilty. I just got back and now they’re watching me leave again.

I take a deep breath and try to calm my emotions. Thinking back to leaving Greensboro I remember how I couldn’t even see the road because I was crying so hard. The farther away I got from Jake the easier and better I felt though. I stuck to that thought and drove to Coles. Yes I just needed to get to my own place and I’ll be fine.

Once I had pulled in the drive I immediately saw Cole out on his back patio. I pulled a couple of boxes out of the back of my jeep and started up the steps towards the loft. I turn the key and push the door open with my boot.

My jaw practically hits the floor. I drop my boxes off to the side of me and walk in fully. Hard wood floors and wood siding line the loft with stained beams on the ceiling and a big fan in the center. There was a little kitchenette in one corner with a small cabinet sink and refrigerator. In the other corner was the bathroom.

Just a sheer white curtain hung around the facilities. I think I will have to replace that for more privacy if I would happen to have company sometime. 

In the center of the loft was the living room/ bedroom. There was an old leather sleeper sofa and an accent chair with an ottoman beside it. Everything was very open.

There was a very detailed quilt hanging up on one of the walls and I couldn’t help but think of my grandma. This place was so cozy and I could definitely see myself living here for a long time.

I went outside to grab my suitcase and the last box from my Jeep. This time I didn’t see Cole on the patio and I felt a little disappointed at not seeing him for some reason. I walked back up the stairs for the last time tonight and closed the door behind me. I may as well start to unpack.

I looked around and realized there really weren’t many places I could put things up on the wall or around. There was a small side table by the sofa so I put a picture of my family on that and one of my many night blooming jasmine candles right beside it. The rack that held the quilt on the wall had a little shelf on top so I put a picture of me and my girls and a picture of Ruby on top and then set a Cross tea light candle in between. I set a few more candles out about the loft and lit them to make it smell more like “Me”. With me living in a barn I figured I would have to keep plenty of candles in stock so me and my things wouldn’t smell like the horses.

I went to open a chest of drawers so I could unpack my suitcase. The first drawer I opened something came flying out at me and I screamed bloody murder. Oh my God what is that?! I turned to look for whatever it was and ran to the kitchen to grab a broom. I heard little squeaking noises and turned to see it flying straight towards me. I scream again and try to swing the broom at it. I missed and so I try jumping around to take another swing. Just then the door bursts open and Clay jumps in with a startled look on his face and a shotgun in his hand.

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