Chapter 12

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After a completely useless nights sleep I awoke to what would have been a beautiful day. I was in an unusual mood though. I didn’t know what to think of the previous night’s events so I just went on my day as if nothing disturbing had happened to me. I woke up and skipped the shower and went onto the regular chores immediately. Everything took just a little over 3 hours and I was glad it was still the weekend. I had an excuse to get away from here. After feeding and watering the livestock and making sure everything was in order I hurriedly took a shower and got into my Sundays best. I hadn’t been to church in a little over a year and I knew it would probably clear my head a little bit. I used to hate having to go as a kid but as I’ve grown it has honestly given me a sense of understanding and just relaxation into what this crazy world can bring onto you.

My momma and daddy were surprised to see me to say the least but I sat next to them and sincerely enjoyed the days service. Roman 13:8-14Love, for the day is near Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another for he who love his fellow man has fulfilled the law. The commandments “ Do not commit adultery” “Do not murder” “Do not steal” “Do not covet” and whatever other commandments there may be are summed up in this one rule” Love your neighbor as yourself” Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefor love is the fulfillment of the law.

And do this understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over: the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and out on the armor of light.  Let us behave decently as in the daytime not in orgies and drunkenness not in sexual immorality and debauchery not in dissension and jealousy. Rather clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

As I walked out of church with my parents on both sides I realized that 1: I never truly loved Jake, he was my out  2: I was definitely living in sin and   3: I was probably coveting my boss. Either way I was determined to make things work back home and be successful in whatever was dealt to me. Last night just proved that nothing is as it seems so I will go about my business and let them do the same. If Cole was really engaged and whatever it was that seemed to flow through the two of us was all just him being without his fiancé then I’ll be sure to stay clear. She sure didn’t seem his type and Boy would I have loved to shove my fist down her throat but if he truly loved her I would let things be.

I said hello to some of my parent’s friends that I haven’t seen in a while and dodged the questions as to why I was back. Did I really need to explain myself? I don’t see as its anyone’s business but my own. It’s not a big deal but in a small town it is made out to be. Yes I’ve been gone for 2 years but it’s not like I went out west to become a prostitute in a Vegas strip or something! I think some of these people really aren’t listening in church most Sundays.

I decided to go over to my parents again for a little while. Momma always made the best dinner after Church every Sunday.  While she was preparing the pork loin I went out back to the garden to pick some fresh tomatoes. It has been a while since I’ve had fried green tomatoes and this seemed like the perfect time to make them. I don’t know if you could consider it a comfort food but that, and home made Mac and cheese is what I normally went for if I needed a little consoling. 

My daddy knew right away something was bothering me but thankfully he didn’t ask me about it. Dinner went smoothly and after a few hours I left to go into town. Hopefully Lacey was around to help me get into a better mood.

I parked in front of her building and ran up the stairs to her apartment. I knocked on her door and waited for her to come out. After a few minutes I knocked again and still nothing. I looked over the balcony to make sure her car was parked in the alley. After seeing it was still sitting there I checked the door and saw it was unlocked. I yelled Hello as I opened the door and walked in. There was some scuffling at the back of the apartment and when I went to turn the corner I wished I hadn’t. I instantly covered my face and turned around to start laughing. 

”Sorry you two. I had no idea you had company Lacey.” I say trying to control my laughter. The only things covering their bodies were whipped crème and chocolate sauce. Apparently I had interrupted they’re little escapade. I waited outside while they cleaned up. They were both giggling as the guy came out. She kissed him goodbye and he turned to go down the stairs with way to big of a smile on his face. I glance at her and she’s watching his ass all the way down the stairs. I shove her back into the apartment laughing. “Oh my goodness that is just what I needed today!”

“He’s sexy right?” she asks while laughing along with me. “Best thing is that I can see him anytime I want” she winks and points to the window. I look out and see him walking into the firehouse.

“Oh you little hussy! I knew that’s why you kept this apartment for so long. So when did all this start?”

She goes on to tell me that her and sexy man “Jay” have been shamefully flirting for the past few months through her window. Shed tease him walking around her apartment in her underwear knowing fully that he could see her and he’d stand in front of the firehouse window and stretch pulling up his shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted abs.

I guess last night Lacey had enough and got his attention by wearing nothing but a silk robe and letting it fall open right in front of the window. When she saw his mouth gaping open she signaled him with her finger to come over.   Two minutes later Jay was at her door. She eagerly opened the door and he had pulled her to him in the most passion filled kiss shed ever experienced.

Surprisingly they had done a lot of messing around but I was proud of Lacey that she hadn’t gone all the way on the first night. Today she thought that she’d test him a little and see what she could get away with. That’s where the whipped crème and chocolate came in at.

From her stories they seem like they could really keep each other on the top of their game and by the little spark in Lacey’s eyes I can tell she’s already hooked.

I grab her hands and pull her up from the couch.

“Come on you have some celebrating to do and I need to vent!”

We get into our vehicles and I pick up some beer on the way out to the Elliot’s Ranch. I grab my pistols and ammo from my loft and head out to the pasture. We put up some targets on the big round hay bales and started shooting having a friendly competition. There is nothing like shooting something powerful to let off some steam.

Coles POV

I’m woke up by some loud popping coming from outside. I look at the clock and realize its already late afternoon. I hadn’t got back to the ranch until five thirty this morning and as soon as I hit the mattress I was out. Some nights were so exhausting and I’m happy I had someone to cover for me this morning at the ranch.

My thoughts drifted back to Josie and I slapped myself in the forehead and fell back onto the bed. What a mess. Brynn just had to come back around town. I’m getting angry just thinking of her trying to come back into my life right now. Who the hell does that? I haven’t heard a word from her in over a year and she expects an engagement? I could never marry her and I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Josie popped into my head again and I had to go to her and explain.

After I showered and pulled on some blue jeans and a plain t shirt I headed out back to the pasture. There was a familiar car in the drive but I couldn’t place whose it was. As I peak around the corner of the barn I watch her muscle’s tense as she’s releases the trigger and I think twice about just coming upon her.

I see the bullet release from the trigger and follow it directly to an exact bull’s eye. I may be biased but I have never seen a woman shoot so accurately. She was with a tall leggy blonde that looked a little familiar but I didn’t exactly care. All I could see was the little fiery brunette that I couldn’t seem to keep my mind off of.

Maybe right now wasn’t the right time to talk to her about everything. By her firing and her pin point accuracy maybe I should wait until she calms down just a little bit.

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