Chapter 5------>Pic of Jake

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Cole watched her ride off and had to adjust himself. You’d think he was a teenager again by how easily aroused he’d been all day. Damn that girl was toying with him all afternoon! She’s too beautiful for her own good and I can’t wait to find out more about her, he thought.

I grabbed my things and started walking “Lets go Pepper, play time’s over” As we were walking back to the ranch house I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering back to Josie. I started to picture her by the pond again. She had walked out of the pond and as she ascended out of the water inch by inch her clothing stuck to her showing every curve and crevice on her body. Shed bent over slightly to ring the water from her shirt and I noticed her shorts pulled tightly across her ass. I had to hold in a moan as she looked back at me. Yep I definitely wanted to know her better.

Laughing at myself, I finally get to the barns. I put Pepper back in the stalls and went inside the house for a cold shower. After I had cooled off and got dressed, I decided on calling the guys over for a poker night. After this afternoon, I needed a distraction of some kind.

Jay is the first to arrive and I grab a couple of cold beers out of the fridge. Handing him one and popping the top to mine we head out to the back patio. I light the fire pit and get the cards and chips out around the table. DJ and Hunter show up after a few minutes ready to go with beers already in hand. “What are we playing tonight? Is it five dollar buy in again?” 

“I’m game for anything. Pass em out”

Josies POV

As I walk up to the house after putting Ruby away I cant seem to get this goofy smile off my face.  It has been a great afternoon! I really wasn’t expecting for things to go so smoothly with meeting Cole. He was really easy to talk to and he matched me step for step when I surprised him. Not to mention he’s absolutely gorgeous.

I walk in the house and my mother gasps “Oh my Jo Jo what happened to you?”

I was confused at first then realize what I must have looked like. I was still completely soaked and dust added to that on the ride back up to the house. “Ha-ha oh its nothing Momma, Just went for a swim”

She raises her eyebrow questioningly. “So did you meet our neighbor then?” I just smile back at her and walked to the bathroom to get washed up.

“I want details Jo Jo, I didn’t raise a hussy!” I hear her yell before shutting the door.

Once I’m done with my second shower of the day, I dress in a pair of cotton shorts and an oversized t-shirt that hangs off of my shoulders a bit. I brush out my hair then pile it high on top of my heard in a messy bun. I’m going to relax at home tonight and catch up with my parents. I haven’t heard what my older brother or younger sister is up to lately and I miss my nieces and nephews a ton!  

I walk into the living room where my mom and dad were at their regular spots on the couch and love seat. I sit across from my mom and start to ask her about who’s doing what lately. She tells me my baby sister is pretty serious with some guy she met while on spring break in Florida and I just roll my eyes. She’s always been a little wild and it figures she’d meet someone on spring break. Then she tells me my brother and his wife are doing really good. They live over in Beaumont and should be coming to visit next weekend. I’m so excited to see the kids. I’m sure they’ve grown so much since I’ve last saw them.  My dad has already dozed off in the recliner and I see my moms eyes are getting heavy so I tell her I’m going to head off to bed also.

I walk to my room and for the first time in 3 days I turn on my cell phone. I’m half expecting a text or voicemail from Jake to at least make sure that I’ve made it back here but absolutely nothing is displayed on my screen. I guess that just goes to show how much we’ve drifted apart. I know we aren’t dating anymore but isn’t that common courtesy? Maybe I could call and just tell him I made it. I dial the number and it rings a couple times and I get ignored. Well I did my part not going to wallow in self pity because my ex is ignoring my calls. Why should he still want contact with me? That’s kind of the point in breaking up isn’t it? I go to my window and look towards Cole’s house. It’s a couple miles away but I can still see a faint glow of a fire burning. Hmm I wander what he’s doing tonight?  There’s that goofy grin again! I throw myself back on my bed and fall asleep thinking of the afternoon I had today.

**********Its dark and I can’t see much as I’m walking down the long hall. My heart rate starts to speed up and I don’t recognize where I am. I try reaching for a door but its too dark. I can’t see. I feel a warm breath on my neck and I swiftly turn around scared out of my mind. Then I see most dazzling blue eyes right in front of me and my breathing stops. He takes hold of my face and I bring my hands up to break his hold when he crashes his lips to mine. I fight him at first trying to get away, not knowing who has a hold of me and then I surrender. His lips feel too good against mine and I let his tongue slide into my mouth letting him explore all of it. I meet his and I let out a small moan and he backs me against the wall so his body is flush against mine. He lets go of my face and takes both of my hands and places them in his and raises them above my head. Using his free hand he roams down the length of my body and back up again. Settling on my ribcage he uses his thumb to stroke the side of my breast. He moans and brings his lips to my ear whispering “I want you Josie” then starts to place small kisses down the side of my neck and collar bone. I shiver and he brings his lips back to mine more aggressively and lets go of my wrists now. I let them roam over his broad shoulders and then reach down to pull off the shirt that he was wearing. He does the same with my shirt and I’m left there topless in front of some guy who I may or may not know. All I can see are his blue eyes but I let my hands roam free taking in his hard chest and rippling abs and our kisses becoming more urgent. He grabs the back of my knee and pulls my leg up around his waist and grinds into me slightly. I can feel how hard he is through his jeans and he has me wet and ready for him. I reach down to unbutton his jeans and*************RING RING RING**********

I shoot up out of bed panting and looking around. Oh my god! Are you kidding me? A dream?!? RING RING I search for my phone and finally find it. I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.  “Hello” I say a little groggily into the phone. “Who is this?!” A high pitched, obviously drunk girl says into the phone. “Um you called me…Who is this?” I hear some scuffling and then another girl and guys voice sounds in the back ground then the phone goes dead. I squint to look at the caller ID, Jake. Wow two girls in one night Jake? I think to myself. So much better without the jerk….

I turn off my phone and throw it on the floor. I fall asleep hoping to finish my dream and find out who Mr. Blue-eyes is. Those eyes are just too familiar.

Unfortunately, I woke up unsatisfied the next morning. I never did get back to my dream. I stretch out and throw the covers off of me.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen to grab some coffee. As usual mom was at the stove cooking breakfast. She turns to me and says, ”Sounds like you had a rough night!”  “Uh what do you mean?” I stammer. Hopefully she didn’t hear me talking in my sleep or even worse moaning .

She huffed, “Well your phone was ringing all night long! Hell your daddy was bout to put a hammer to it!”

“Oh” I paused, “I guess that was Jake, or whoever he was with anyway…. Was it really ringing that long?”

“Yes it was and you better steer clear of your Daddy this morning. You know how he gets when his sleep is interrupted” She started buttering the toast and continued “What did the grease monkey want at two in the morning anyway?”

“I don’t no it was some drunk chick who answered after I said hello. I didn’t know it was Jakes phone until it disconnected and I checked the caller ID.”

“Surprise surprise! I always had a bad feeling about him! But no, no one wants to listen to an old bat like me!” She starts her rant and I shut her up with a hug and kiss on her cheek.

“Your not an old bat momma, and I was too head over heals to listen to anyone. I saw it as an opportunity to get out of this place and didn’t think twice until things started to fall apart.”

She had a tear run down her face “So you don’t think I’m nothing but an old bat” she sobbed.

I full out laughed “Oh momma, leave it to you catch that out of everything I just said!” She laughed then too and dabbed her eyes. “Sorry dear just a little hormonal”

“You think?” We both grabbed our coffees and went to go sit on the back porch. I loved sitting out here in the mornings. It smelled so fresh and the colors of the sunrise were always so beautiful. Pinks oranges and blues all filled the sky.

My mom patted my knee, “I’m glad your home, honey”

“Me too momma” We finished our cups and I walked back inside to get changed. I needed to go into town and fill out some more applications and see if I could find an apartment or house to rent. It’s sure to be a long day!

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