reunited with friend and foe

15 1 1

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon my favorite. I walk out of the guest room and into the kitchen. My mother is there at the table talking to dustin. I get an uneasy feeling. Like I'm going to get yelled at. That's us ally how it worked I met a boy I became friends with him. I don't tell my mom so she won't swoon. She finds out I get yelled at. Of course this time it's different. "Don't worry I'm not going to yell." I sit down at the table. "I have some questions. And my first one is how you know my mom." They looked at each other. "Well sweetie I knew that one day you'd find a way from whoever took you. So I sent Jason here to live in the house. But that's not the point t. You see we're dating each other." That took me by surprise. I was expecting something random but not this. "You two are dating? Mom how could you! Is this what you think dad would have wanted!?" I got up and stormed out of the room. I went outside slamming the front door behind me. A familiar car pulled up in the drive way. He stepped out of the car. "You know you really should call next time before you show up home." It was my long time best friend. And crush before I was taken. "Lucas!" I ran up to him and he picked me up as I embraced him. He must have been surprised at how thin my waist has gotten since I've been gone. "Hey Zabelle...who's this?" Lucas put me down so I could tell Dustin. "Oh right you have no idea who this is. Dustin, Lucas. Lucas, Dustin." Dustin looked at me like I had done something to betray him. "That still doesn't explain while he is." This is slightly awkward. "Dustin, Lucas is my best friend and I'm a little embarrassed to say so but he was my crilush before you know... and Lucas this is my boyfriend." They both looked shocked at what I had to say. Lucas because I have a boyfriend. And Dustin add to the shock the fear that I might still have feelings for him. To break the silence I started a conversation. At least I tried. "So how have you been Lucas" he gave another hug as if to say I missed you. I'm guessing things have been rough. For him. Minus being popular like he always dreamed. Thanks to his amazing football skills. "Zabelle? Can I talk to you in private please?" I pull back from Lucas' embrace. I look at Dustin and nod.

"So he obviously has feelings for you." She tolls her eyes I annoyance and denial. "Don't roll your eyes at me!" She recoil lime she's afraid of me. I instantly regret what I said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just... it's obvious because of the way he looks at you. There's admiration in his eyes. There's something that looks like love there." I turn away ashamed of how I feel. She puts her hand on my shoulder and turns me around to reassure me.

They went behind the trees and I feel as if I crossed a line. A bro line.
Time skip
They finally emerge from the trees and Dustin glares at me. He probably figured out that I like, no not like love Zabelle. He just doesn't know how long I've loved her for. I feel disgusted with myself. Not only am I admitting that I love Zabelle, but I feel as if I'm betraying my girlfriend. We've been together since freshman year. Just a few years after Zabelle disappeared. She walks up to m and hugs me one more time. This hug seems different though. It seems to communicate an apology one that says I'm leaving soon and might not see you again. I hug her back. I hear her mom call. "Zabelle I have news! We're not moving to the second house. We're selling it and moving here! Your sister is coming tonight." She let's go and looks me in the eyes. "I guess this isn't goodbye after all." She pulls away and looks behind me. I hear a faint ugh and I know who it's for. I turn around and see my girlfriend. Another rush of guilt overpowers me. My girlfriend happens to be the person who bullied Zabelle before she left. She glares at Zabelle then looks at Dustin. Now it's my turn to want to punch him in his pretty little face. "Hey babe!" She runs up and hugs me. I don't know why she feels she has to mark me as hers in front of every girl she sees me with. "Hey Megan." I pull back. She pulls me closer to her side. Seriously what's her deal!? "Zabelle glad your back. Who's your friend?" Zabelle looks behind her. "Oh you mean my boyfriend? His name is Dustin." Dustin steps up and Zabelle pulls him close. Now both of them are marking there territory. I Wil lever get girls. "Hi. Nice to meet you Megan." He puts our his hand. At least he understands that she's mine. But of course Megan decides to pull him into a hug. And not a friendly nice to meet you hug. No no a very flirtatious hug. I can see that Dustin tenses I n surprise and a ki d of way that tells me that he didn't enjoy it. It made him feel uncomfortable. Well we should get going. Don't forget you made a reservation at a very fancy resturaunt. You see my parents like him but won't let him take me to a lower class place."

That's just like her. Always bragging bragging about how much her precious daddy makes and her trips to the country club where all the boys are practically bowing and kissing her feet. I honestly can't beleive we were best friends since kindergarten through sixth grade. But then I made the horrible mistake of telling her I liked Lucas. Then she basically dumped me as her best friend then she started bullying me. Lucky for me that Lucas always stood up for me. My mother was right when she said that she was aboyre brat. But she surprised me today. She ran up to me and gar me a friendly hug. That made me suspicious. "Look I'm sorry about all that year. Once you went you know... I realized that what I did a was uncalled for. And. I would like to call a truce l. See you at school." She's only apopgozi apopgozing because she got her way. That's just like her. "And um you can sit with me and the girls at lunch if you want Tom I know that I don't deserve it bit I'd like to make it up to you." I nod. Not because I want her as my friend but because this is the perfect time for revenge. I know lots of stuff that I know for a fact no one else knows. Just I went missing from seventh through junior year doesn't mean I don't know that she has secrets that her new "bestie" doesn't know. I nod my head. She smiles and gets into the car. Lucas walks toward me and gives mw one more embrace. "It's nice to have you back." He pulls and way, gets into the car, and drives off.

As I'm driving off I can here Megan laughing to herself. "What did you do now?" She looks and watt me and smiles. "She always been so naive. She honestly thinks that I want to be friends. No, no, no. Wah to did in sixth grade was only the beginning." I swerve over to the side of the raload and slam the brakes. "We're done. Get out. Now." She smirks to herself. "You can't do that." I look at her with fire in my eyes. "Wanna bet?" She laughs out loud. But surprisingly it's not her usal annoying laugh. "Do you remember who's paying your college tuition. My dad. But dump me and you through every chance of that out." I look back to the road and turn around. "The date is of I need time to think I'll drop you off at your house." I turn to he and see the satisfaction in her eyes. I know that I shouldn't be doing this I should throw her out. But my family can't a Ford for me to go to a good college. So I don't have much of a choice.

Hey everyone I know that people are tired of short chapters but now that I murdering every wednsday I have the time to actually sit down and create a long chapter. I'm not sure how to add a cast so put the dream cast in the comments. I'm going to pick the best one every week and put in the author's note. Dot forget to comment what you want to happen next. And also vote, vote, vote, you know you want to. Well I hope you enjoyed it and loo out for the next chapter next Wednesday. Take care t-t bears.

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