Chapter 1: Packing

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Chapter 1: Packing

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Forever?" I asked in shock.

My mom had just explained to me that I'd be living with my aunt in Virginia, in order for me to get away from the bullying that has been going on in my school. Almost everyone in the school bullies me because I can't roller skate. And roller skating is the school's main sport, and everyone can do it. So my parents decided to let me switch schools. When my mom said "live there" I wasn't sure if she meant forever or just a little while.

She nods, "We don't have any other solution darling."

I groan, "But it'll be so much work to adjust to everything and stuff." I complained, not understanding why I wasn't okay with this idea. I should be, I would be getting away from all of the bullying. It's probably because I won't fit in. And if anyone figures out about my scars they'd judge me and call me emo. None of my family knows I do self-harm, I didn't want to upset them.

"Don't worry about that, you will soon." She reassures me.

I sigh, "I guess I'll make the best of it."

"Great!" She chirps. "You can go ahead and get packed, your plane is going to be tonight at 8."

I nod, and made my way to my room. I got my suitcase and started gathering clothes, I guess I needed it all. With a sigh, I walked over to my small closet to get out my clothes. I kept the hangers, because I might need them when I get there. I started taking out my dresses first; I folded them around the hanger and put them all in a pile on my bed. I then started with my shirts; I did the same thing as I did with the dresses and then put them into another pile beside my pile of dresses. I then got my jeans and folded them as well, I did the same with the few skirts I had and then I was done.

When everything was out of my closet and into a pile, I started to put them neatly into the suitcase. When I was finished adding everything to my suitcase, there was a light knock on my door. "Come in," I called, opening up one of the drawers on my bed.

"Hey," The unknown person chirped lightly.

I turned my head to the doorway to see who the unknown stranger was, "Oh hey Lilly," I said to my sister who was standing by my door. "What's up?" I asked, turning back to my drawer to get my hoodies out. I needed a lot of hoodies in order to hide my scars, I didn't want anyone to figure out.

She sat on my bed next to where I was and sat cross legged on the bed. "Nothing, I just needed to ask you something."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, pulling out some of my hoodies that were already neatly folded.

"Do want me and Lillian to come with you to stay with auntie?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No, you don't have to. I know you guys like it here, so you don't really have to. But thanks for the offer."

"We are coming anyway." She stated. "We're already packed, and ready to go."

I kind of figured this would happen. My sisters, Lilly and Lillian believe that since we're triplets, we must do everything together. This rule has only been in use since my bullying, because they were kind of my only friends and, as they say, we need to stick together. "Alright then," was all I said.

"Need any help?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No, I can do it on my own."

"Okay, but call me if you need anything." She says, getting up from my bed. "I'll be in my room," and with that, she walked out of my room.

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