Chapter 6: Fighting Back

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Chapter 6: Fighting Back

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Come on Anna, don't very nervous, you'll be okay." Harry reassured me on Monday morning, the day I would be starting school. I was currently in the bathroom, shaking in complete fear as to how scared I was. It made no sense to be this afraid of the first day of school, I've experienced this day many times before, it shouldn't be any different. Harry was braced on the door frame, trying his best to make me feel better about going, which was kind of not helping.

"Let's hope no-one judges me," I responded, slipping on my pink rose earrings.

"They won't see your scars; you'll be wearing a hoodie."

"Yeah, I know." I told him.

"Okay, imma go give Lilly and Lillian the keys to mom's extra car." He said, and then left. I told him that I didn't want to be around Lillian and Lilly at all anymore, they have be apologizing to me all the time, and I don't know why. It makes no sense why they'd want my forgiveness, because they sure as hell know I won't and I think I've made it pretty clear.

I exited the bathroom and grabbed my panda hoodie from the bed. I slipped it on then sat on the bed, I really didn't want to go to school. I sighed and rested my elbows on my thigh, which was covered by my pink jeans. I was wearing a white cropped top that said, "boy bands ruin my life" with a small heart next to life. Along with that, I wore pink skinny jeans and white converses. For jewelry I wore a pink double crystal bracelet, which looked really expensive and pink rose stud earrings. And to hide my cuts, I wore a black and white panda hoodie. It was really cute, because it had these furry ears on the hood.

"Hey," I heard someone say. I couldn't see them, because my face was buried into my palms.

I insisted on ignoring the person, but I decided against it, I didn’t want to be rude. I looked up and saw Ryder, who I really thought would be Harry. "Hey," I repeated.

"Where's Harry?" He asked, leaning against the wall by the window, which he had just entered from.

I shrugged and dropped back on the bed, letting my feet hang down. "He should be back soon,"

"Okay," He replied. "So this is your first day of school?"

"Yup, and I so don't want to go."

"Why not?" He asked.

I sighed, "I know everyone will judge next, and 2 days again you saw what's in my arm, I think you know why."

He laughed at what I said, but I didn't realize I was funny. I got up and stared at him, "What's so funny?"

"You seriously think if you hang out with Harry the entire time they people in the school would dare judge you or make fun of you? Or even bully you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, totally confused as to what he was saying.

"Sorry I took long, I had to find the keys." Harry interrupted. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah," I said, getting up from the bed. I grabbed my book back and then made my way to Harry. Ryder followed behind me, and then all three of us were walking down the stairs to the front door. Soon we were in Harry's car and driving to school.

"Hey, how are Lilly and Lillian gonna know where school is?" I asked Harry, realizing that they’ve never been to the school and wouldn’t know how to get there.

He shrugged, "Who cares if they get lost,"

I rolled my eyes, and tried not to laugh. "Seriously,"

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