Chapter 25: I'm Trying To Be Mad At You

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Chapter 25: I'm Trying To Be Mad At You

Excuse the mistakes.


“Why doesn’t she ever go to lunch though?” I asked Kol, as Ryder and Harry had their separate conversations at the opposite end of the lunch table from us.

“She’s kind of a nerd, so she goes to extra classes at lunch.” He explained.

“Why would any human being give up their lunch time, to study?” I asked, taking a bite of my pizza.

“You don’t come to lunch either, I never see you.” That was true, but I wasn’t about to tell him that I’m outside with Matt. Harry and Ryder were just three feet away from me anyway, and that would be awkward. But today Matt was absent, so I was forced to be at the lunch table with Kol, Ryder and Harry. I didn’t mind though, it was just one day not being able to hear him play on his awesome guitar.

“That’s beside the point,” I said, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head, making his hair drop in front of his face. Half way through the lunch period, Kol left to get his girlfriend Kayla, so she could meet us. I imagined her to have glasses and braces and blonde hair that would be tied up in a ponytail all the time. But the girl who stood with Kol looked nothing like that; she was gorgeous. Her hair was long and dark, and was just passed her shoulders. She had dark brown eyes, and they were almost the perfect size on her face. She held a binder with books piled on top of it in her hands, and she held a sweet smile as she talked to Kol. They approached us at the table, but suddenly Kayla stopped and stared at something.

I turned my head to see her staring at Ryder, and Ryder staring back at her. I didn’t expect Ryder to fall for Kol’s girlfriend now, that’s just wrong. Kayla looked like she wanted to speak, and so did Ryder, but none of them did.

“Kayla?” Harry said, and he looked up at the girl as her eyes were fixed on Ryder’s. Her head snapped in the direction of Harry’s voice, and her face fell. She turned to Kol, and plastered a fake smile on her face.

“I don’t feel too well Kol, I’ll go to the nurse and I’ll be right back. But if I go home, I’ll text you.” She said to him. But before he could respond, she gave him a quick kiss and scurried off.

I was expecting Kol to go after her, but he didn’t. Instead he looked at her rush away, and then sighed. He sat down at the table and then looked back at me, “So much for meeting her today,” He said.

I chuckled, “its fine, what just happened though?” I asked, turning my attention to Harry and Ryder.

“Um… Your girlfriend is Kayla Hayes?” Harry asked, and Ryder looked down, busying himself with his phone.

“Yup, you just saw her. You know her?” Kol asked, taking a bite of his own pizza.

“Yeah, you could say that.” He mumbled, and then nudged Ryder.

“I’m surprised you know her, she doesn’t talk to a lot of people since her sister had died.” Kol said. Her sister died? That would’ve been nice information to tell me when he was talking about her. And it’s not like he couldn’t, he talks about her like all the time. Every single day when I see him, her name is mentioned once. Even though I’m with Matt, I can’t help but feel a small tinge of jealousy every time he talks about her. I don’t know why I’m jealous, I shouldn’t be. I don’t like Kol, do I? I have Matt, and I’m happy with Matt. This is all too confusing; I never expected it to be this way when you have a boyfriend. Or maybe it was just me overthinking things, and maybe I wasn’t even jealous. I don’t even know what I was feeling towards Kol, but I know I don’t like him.

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