Chapter 19: We'll Work Stuff Out

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Chapter 19: We'll Work Stuff Out

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Did you hear about Lilliana McCall?"

"Yeah, I heard she's the loser who can't roller skate."

"She's really retarded if she can't roller skate,"

"Why would she even come to school if she knows she can't?"

"Yeah, today's the big competition."

"And she's gonna be the only one not playing for our school."

All the girls in the bathroom laughed at what they'd said; all those awful things that have been repeated endlessly. All the bad comments about me being a loser and a retard. I hated it all; no-one understood the reason why I couldn't. The laughter decreased, and heels clicked, and then the bathroom was silent. I opened the stall door and saw everyone gone; with a sigh, I walked over to the sink and let my tears spill. They dripped into the sink, and went down the drain, carrying all my self-esteem with it. I pulled my sleeve up and wiped my eyes, getting rid of all of the tears. I sank down on the floor, and cried even harder now.

I hated what everyone thought of me, it went on forever and it wouldn't stop. I got my small case with all my school supplies and got out my scissors; I opened it wide and pulled up my sleeve. With no hesitations, I slid the blade though my skin, making the oh so familiar red liquid comes out. I squeezed my hands into fist, feeling all if the pain in my hand. I focused on only that, so I didn't think of all the hurtful things people had said about me. I couldn't take all of this anymore, but I was determined to not kill myself. I didn't want to end my entire life over this, it can't last forever. All the pain will go away soon, just not soon enough.

"Lilliana? Are you okay?" A voice asked; it sounded familiar, and the person was male. I don't know how a boy could have been in the girl's bathroom, and how he knew my name, but I didn't move. "Anna," The voice called again.

I turned my head to the side, but no-one was there. In fact, the bathroom was empty, and silent as a graveyard. Everyone should be in class right now anyway; no teachers would allow them out.

"Anna," The voice called again, and the sound made me cry. My whole body was shaking now, and I couldn't stop.

"Anna, open your eyes," The voice, who I now recognized as Harry's said.

I don't know how he was even at my school, but I looked up and opened my eyes. But when I did, I wasn't in the bathroom anymore; I was on a bed, in a bedroom. "Whoa, Anna you're crying." Harry said beside me.

"Come on; let's go wash your face." Harry said, scooting off of the bed and coming over to my side.

I got off of the bed and walked with him to the bathroom, I didn't say anything though, I don't think I could. Harry got a washcloth from the small drawer and got it damp under the faucet. He wrapped on of his arms protective around my shoulders, and used the other holding the washcloth to wipe my tear stained face gently.

"Harry, I'm scared." I whispered, as Harry softly wiped my face with the blue cloth.

"Why?" He asked, putting it done and looking at me, with concern shown in his eyes.

"I don't want to be bullied again," I squeaked.

Harry put both of his arms around me this time, pulling me close to him. I reluctantly hugged him back afterwards. "Don't worry, you won't be."

"Promise?" I asked, looking up at him.

He nodded with a reassuring smile, "I promise, now let's go back to bed."

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