Chapter 31: It Was A Fun Ride

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Chapter 31: It Was A Fun Ride 

Excuse the mistakes


“Have you ever thought about your dad?”

“What? Where’d that come from?” Harry asked me, looking up from his homework. We were now in our room doing all of the packets we had, because we wanted to finish it before anyone came over. Kol, Ryder and Kale didn’t come over for the entire break yet; it was almost over and all Harry and I have been doing was playing video games, doing homework and the occasional snowball fights.

I shrugged, “I’m just curious, I guess. Tomorrow’s Christmas, and I won’t have my parents, and it just came to mind.”

“Oh,” He said quietly, looking back down and doing his homework. I could tell he was avoiding the subject, but I promised Jenna I’d figure this out. But it was hard; I didn’t want to hurt Harry by talking about this. And seeing that he was trying to avoid it, he probably does think about his dad.

“So do you?” I asked him, focusing on my work as well.

“Kind of,” He admitted in the same quiet tone.

“You wanna talk about it?” I asked him, hoping that maybe he’d open up. But I probably shouldn’t have given him a choice though, because knowing Harry, he would never just admit something like that – neither would I. But I couldn’t say something like, “Tell me about him,” because Harry never knew him, and I don’t think he’d know how to answer that. And then I couldn’t just tell him to tell me how he feels, because I don’t think he’d feel comfortable if I was that demanding.

He sighed, just as I had finished my last packet. I think he finished his too, because he was just scribbling in the answer to the last question. When he finished it he looked up at me, “I just want a father figure, I guess…” He said.

“Isn’t Jenna good enough?” I asked, trying to keep a small smile on my face.

He nodded a little, “Mom is fine, but you know how girls need their mom? Dads don’t get girls as much as their moms would; it’s the same with me, except my dad. I’ve always thought about having a dad to talk to about things and stuff, and joke around like normal kids do.”

“Hey, why do you wanna be normal? I wasn’t normal at all, you know. I barely had my parents for anything, they were there, yeah, but I never depended on them. And look, I turned out pretty fine, didn’t I? And so did you, you look to be perfect with growing up with just Jenna. Aren’t you still happy?” I asked him.

He smiled a little, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

I returned the smile, giving him an added hug. “I know I’m right,”

“Wanna have a snowball fight?” He asked, as we both back out of the hug.

I beamed, “Yes!”

He chuckled and got up, pulling my hand to pick me up. “Wait, I have to use the bathroom. Meet you in the kitchen,” I said, stopping in front of the bathroom. He nodded and ran down the stairs, getting his jacket and everything which is always in the dining room, because we don’t go in that room much. It was right behind the kitchen, so it was quite convenient when going outside for snowball fights, considering the front door was right beside it. When I was sure he was down the stairs, I went back out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway to Jenna’s room. The door was already opened and she was sitting on her bed typing something on her pink laptop.

“Hey,” I said softly, knocking on the opened door.

She looked up and smiled at me, motioning for me to come in. And so I did. I sat on the bed in front of her and she closed her laptop, put it on her nightstand and looked up at me. “So what’s up?”

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