Chapter 3: Please Don't Tell

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Chapter 3: Please Don't Tell

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Okay, bye mommy, love you!" Lilly said into the phone. She was just telling our parents we had arrived, and that we landed safely. They couldn't come on the plane with us, because we didn't have enough money to buy two extra tickets; we're not rich. But it is proven, by this huge house that Jenna is. Our parents dropped us to the airport, and waited a while before leaving to go back home. They didn't spend too much time waiting on us, so we were basically on our own for the whole trip.

"Are you girls' hungry?" Jenna asked, as Lilly put her phone away.

"I am," Lillian said.

"Me too," Lilly agreed. "What'cha got cooking?"

"Well I was just going to order a pizza," Jenna answers, chuckling.

"She doesn't cook, I do most of the cooking and she orders food." Harry says, beside me. I didn't even know he could cook; no-one would guess a boy his age would know how to cook. But hey, Harry's an odd person; I bet he can sew too.

Jenna glared at her son playfully, "At least I don't starve you," She then turns to me and smiles, "Would you like some pizza Lilliana?"

I shook my head, "No thanks, I think I'll just go to bed now. I'm pretty tired."

"It's 9:44," Harry states.

"I'm aware," I say, getting up. "Goodnight everyone," And with that, I made my way for the stairs and retreated for the bedroom I share with Harry. I plopped down on the bed, and grabbed my phone.

I wasn't really going to sleep; I'd just listen to music and play games on my phone instead. I plugged my ear buds in my ear and clicked on music. I decided on playing New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco. I've always wanted to watch Jennifer's Body, which is the motion picture the song was based on, but I never got a chance to. I searched through my apps to find a game, and chose Zombie Frontier. It's a very violent game, but I guess I like that kind of stuff. I'm weird like that, because most girls wouldn't like this kind of stuff. And maybe that's another thing for everyone to pick on me for; I act like a boy.

There was a knock on the door and looked up and saw Harry, "You okay?"

"You don't have to knock to come in your own room." I told him, plugging one of my ear buds out of my ears and sitting up.

He laughed, and then came over to my side on the bed. "Tell me what's wrong,"

"There's nothing wrong, honest." I replied. "I just wasn't hungry,"

He shook his head, "That isn't want I meant,"

I sighed, "Listen Harry, stop being worried about me, okay? I'm better off on my own, and I'm pretty used to not having people notice me." And it was true, I was pretty used to it, and it never bothered me. Yeah, Lillian and Lilly cared, but it's not like they even understood what I went through. Harry doesn't either, and I totally understand that he wants me to feel better than I feel now. I'm never happy, and I barely smile. The only time I'd smile is when I'm with Harry, because he makes me feel good about myself. I loved him and the way he tries to make me happy, but I didn't want him constantly checking up on me and wasting his time worrying about me. I hated it when people felt sorry for me, it annoys me. When people care too much is annoying, because they're just wasting their time worrying about someone who will never change. And that's how Harry is to me; I'm not saying I don't like him for being that way, but I just don't want him to care so much.

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