Chapter 5: Flashbacks

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Chapter 5: Flashbacks

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Sorry about that," Harry apologized to his best friend Ryder. He was now sitting on the bed, looking utterly confused about what he just saw. Now I kind of regret that, because now he knows something very secretive about me and I barely even make who he is. Well I do know he's Harry's best friend, but I just don't know him well enough for him to know this about me.

"It's cool, what's up with the triplets?" He asked, as Harry and I sat down on the bed. I stayed on Harry's side, leaving Ryder on my side. It's not that I don't like him or anything; I'd just rather stay with Harry.

"They don't get along much anymore," Harry answered pressing play on the movie. "A basic way to put it is they're b*tches."

Ryder chuckled, "You mean the other two and not her, right?"

"Yeah, she's not like them, really." Harry said.

"Oh," Was Ryder's reply before turning to me. "So what's your name Blondie?"

I rolled my eyes at his useless attempt to flirt and answered, "My name is Lilliana, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me Blondie."

"A ‘right then, I was just trying to change the dull mood." He responded, turning his attention to the movie. I rested my head on Harry's shoulder and continued to watch the movie.

I wasn't really paying attention though; all I could think of was Lillian and Lilly. I didn't understand why they did that. I could think back to when we were little, like around 6 years old, they'd always avoid me. But no-one would think they'd feel that way when you're six. I also remember when we were 11, and I'd hang out with Harry, they always stare at me for some unknown reason. I wonder if they could be the reason Harry and I always got caught when we'd go in the woods in the backyard.

Harry and I found this old house in the woods and we'd always sneak away and go there. Jenna figured out we kept running away and hiding there, so she said we weren't allowed to go there anymore. I still remember that day, because we cried almost the entire night. Back then I didn't have friends either; I had serious trust issues and wouldn't speak to anyone. Everyone labeled the emo girl, but I wasn't even emo then. But that's that Lillian and Lilly's rumors made happen.

When Harry and I ran away to the house, we'd spend hours there being crazy and doing nothing. But then when we were coming back, Lillian and Lilly saw us. They promise they wouldn't tell, but Jenna still figured out. Harry took all the blame, and because of that he was grounded for a month. I hated that he took all the blame, and he refused to let me take any punishment. I loved him for being like that and I remember his threat, he said to me, "If you tell her this is your fault, I will seriously tickle you to death."

It was a perfect threat then, because I was super scared of being tickled. I was super ticklish, and he used that against me. I still remember the huge house too, I wondered who lived there. It was big and very spacious too. Since there was no furniture there, it was a free place. Harry and I played hide and seek there until I almost fell off of the roof once. I actually did, but Harry caught me, with him falling as well. I didn't fall from the roof on the highest floor, but the little window on the second floor; it felt like the roof though.

I'd love to replay that day over and over again, I was actually happy then and the bullying never hurt me; I didn't care.


"Ready or not, here I come!" I yelled, moving from behind the tree going in search of Harry.

I ran into the house and up to the third floor, I went into the second bedroom and looked up. He'd always hide in high places. "Found you," I grinned.

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