Chapter 29: Don't Be A Sore Loser

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Chapter 29: Don't Be A Sore Loser 

Excuse the mistakes.


“If you like him so much then do it on your own!” Lillian yelled to Lilly, seeming to have given up on their argument. For the past thirty minutes, the two of them have been arguing over something Lilly wanted Lillian to do with her, but Lillian didn’t want to and Lilly was getting mad. And all the time Lilly kept repeating, “We’re sisters, we stick together.” It was basically her only defense, and it kind of annoyed me, considering they never stuck by my side. I was in my room, and since they’re right across from me, I could hear almost every single word. Well, I couldn’t anymore, because they had lowered their voices. But picking up from the last lines, I can just guess they were fighting over something Lilly wanted with Matt. This sort of stuff kept happening; they’d be fighting nonstop, and it was always about him I noticed. And seeing Lillian actually getting annoyed and not wanting to help, it made me think that she did change, maybe it wasn’t an act. I still haven’t talked to her since then though, because Harry was unsure if I should trust her or not.

Harry was out somewhere with Haylee, and right now I was in the room with Ryder and Kol. Harry allowed me to have Kol come over since he was leaving me, but I got Ryder’s company as well. Harry and Ryder had to explain the thing with them and Kayla to Kol last week, because I forced them to. I know they didn’t want to talk about it much, but I figured Kol at least needed to know that. It’s been exactly two weeks after the breakup, and I’ve spent it doing basically the same thing every day. On Saturdays, Ryder and I practiced for the roller skating competition that was coming up in the summer. I was getting quite good with roller skating, and I was happy. When my parents made the decision for me to come here, I guess they made the right decision. Since I’ve gotten here, I haven’t been bullied and I learnt how to roller skate – which got me bullied. On Sundays, I go over to Kol’s house and come back on Monday. And then from Monday to Friday, after school, Harry, Kale, Kol, Ryder and I would have a little game party here.

Today was one Saturday where Ryder allowed us to skip practice, because Kol was over and it wouldn’t be nice to just leave him. And he was nice enough to come over, even though he could’ve been doing something constructive instead of painting my finger nails, like he is now. “Am I painting yours next?” I asked, as Kol made a cute little flower on my nail. He was extremely good at it, of course, considering he was an extremely good artist. Just like Haylee said I was her personal nail salon, Kol can be mine!

He looked up and gave me a flat look, “Are you serious?”

I chuckled, “Come on, it’d look really pretty!”

He rolled his eyes and continued with my nails, and he insisted on not replying to me. I’d probably just tie him down and do his nails. Or maybe drug him and then do it while he’s asleep, he wouldn’t know anything. What am I thinking? Okay, that is just a whole other level of creepy. So, I shall just push those odd thoughts aside and make a conversation with Ryder. “So Ryder, what’s up?” I asked the brown haired boy who was doing God knows what on my phone – which I never remembered lending him.

“Checking through your private stuff,” He admitted, not looking up from the phone. If I wasn’t on the ground and Kol was doing my nails, I would’ve jumped onto that bed and tackled him to get my phone back. But I couldn’t, because that’s take too much time and Kol would be kind of mad at me if I ruined his work, and I don’t want that. I did want to have my nails pretty, and Kol was doing a super job. Even though Kol says I’m a better artist than he is, he’s better with painting than I am. I’ve never seen him pain, he only does simple sketches and turns them into these weird patterns and make them look really cool. I do that sometimes, like make my drawings look supernatural and surreal, but his is just awesome. Like once he drew an eye, and he shaded the eye with blue and then it faded to green, the yellow and then white and then he had like the sun shining into the top part above the blue, and then he coloured that into a faded purple. It was pretty darn awesome! I attempted drawing it myself, but I couldn’t. When I did it, I ended up colouring the whole eye purple and it just looked like a demon. It was kind of cool, but nothing compared to what Kol drew.

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