Chapter 4: There's Three Of Them

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Chapter 4: There's Three Of Them

Excuse the mistakes. 


Blood, that's all I smelt when I woke up that morning. My hand was hurting, due to the fact I slept on it. I opened my eyes, but didn't move. I looked around the room, and realized it was a bathroom. I slept on the bathroom floor the first night here, great. My cheeks felt stiff, and I brushed my cold hands across them. I didn't think I cried this much last night, I probably cried myself to sleep. I moved my body to sit up, and noticed I was lying with Harry. He probably stayed with me last night, I smiled at that, he truly does care. "Harry," I whispered, shaking him to wake him up.

I noticed the blood on his shirt, and then looked at my wrist, that's where the scent came from. "What?" Harry grumbled, not opening his eyes.

"Wake up," I said, in the same whisper. I know he was awake because he talked, but I don't call that being awake. When he opens his eyes and sits up I'll know he's awake. It's strange, yeah, but that's me, strange and weird girl. He rubbed his eyes, then forced himself to get up.

"You okay?" Was the first thing he asked me, in his deep and low morning voice. I always wonder why boys' morning voice sounds so deep, why couldn't it be squeaky? That'd be funny to hear a boy talk squeaky in the morning. I'd probably laugh for days if that was how Harry sounded.

I shook my head, "No Harry, I'm not." I replied, getting up and going over to the sink. Harry got up also and came beside me.

"You'll feel better, I promise." He said, moving the hair from in front of my face.

"I hope," I said, turning the faucet on. I put my hand that had dry blood on it under the running water. At first it burnt, but then it got easy to bear. Harry opened the mirror cabinet and took out a small box with band aids. After all the blood stains were gone, I shook my hand to get the water off, before wiping it on my hoodie.

"Here," Harry says, putting a band aid over the cut on my wrist.

"Thanks," I told him. "Not only for this, but for always being there for me, and telling me that."

He kissed my forehead and said, "I'll always be here for you, don't you ever forget that."

"Thanks," I said again.

"I'll leave you to get ready now," He said, retreating from the bathroom. Before I did anything, I cleaned the blood from the sink and on the floor. I had to get clothes and my toothbrush, so I went out to get that. Harry was passed out on his bed, so he didn't see me. I laughed at that and got the stuff I needed. I made my way back to the bathroom, and shut the door.

I brushed my teeth, got showered and dressed and I was done. I was wearing a comfy long sleeves blue shirt, with a pink heart in the middle. Along with that, I wore pink shorts that were light at the top and darker at the bottom. I quickly put on some blue rose earrings and exited the bathroom. If we had to go out I'd just slip on my pink converses and I'd be done. Harry was still passed out on his bed and I wasn't about to leave this room without him.

I sat down on the bed and played Zombie Frontier since I was bored, and Harry might not wake up for a while. I felt bad, because him not getting any sleep was my fault. I was the one who tried to kill myself, making him have to deal with me. He always has put up with it. I honestly don't understand why he doesn't just give up on me and let me die. Why couldn't he just let me die last night? He broke the lock on the door just to help me. But what for? I don't get why he cares so much, I'm not anyone special. Now because he broke the lock Jenna's gonna be pissed that she has to spend money to fix that. And worse, she might want to know why he had to break it and I have no possible excuse as to why he would have to. I was definitely not about to tell her about me trying to kill myself, that'd cause too many question, and I don't want that.

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