Chapter 9: What Got You All Smiley?

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Chapter 9: What Got You All Smiley?

Excuse the mistakes. 


"I don't want to hear it Harry," I told my cousin, turning off the TV and turning to the door to face him. I was lying on the bed, with my legs crossed and Harry just came home from school. And by the way he slammed the door open, I could tell he was pissed. I wouldn't blame him though; I skipped the entire day of school today. But I was just not in the mood for this at all.

"Well you'll hear it anyway," He said, sitting on the bed where my feet were crossed. I pulled my feet up to myself, and sat crisscross.

"Well speak, I won't listen much either," I told him, speaking normally and by normally, I meant not hiding my accent. That was the huge secret my parents told me to keep from him, the stupidity of it annoyed me. It made no sense why I had to keep it from him, what’s so bad about having an accent?

"Your voice..."

"Yes Harry, I sound different. Mother had said not to tell anyone that I was Australian, I don't know her reasoning, but I can't keep it up any longer."

"It's because we're not family," He said, not looking at me, but instead at his lap.

"What do you mean Harry, of course we're family." I told him, confused as to why he would even think that.

He shook his head, "No we're not,

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Mom told me that we weren't blood related, but I didn't believe her and then it caused a whole fight with everyone, so now you had to keep it a secret." He said, already crying.

"Harry, I didn't know, sorry I even brought it up. I don't like acting as if I'm American." I apologized, giving him a hug.

He just pushed me away and got up, but before I could chase after him he ran down the stairs and left. And I had no idea where he went. When I got downstairs Jenna, Lillian and Lilly were all in the kitchen, confused about what had happened. "What did you do this time?" Lillian asked, rolling her eyes.

"Shut your mouth, or the next thing that comes out of it will be your teeth." I snapped. I sure as hell wasn't in the mood for her.

"Your accent," Jenna gasped.

"You still have your accent?" Lilly questioned.

"Well it appears so," I told her.

"Oh no," Jenna said, a lot of worry in her tone. "This happened last time, and he didn't come home for a week."

This was all my fault, I burst into tears right there and ran for the front door. I braced on the ledge of the porch and cried, I cried again. I'm so weak, and everything is my fault, why do I always screw things up? I wiped my tears away and went into the lawn at the front of the porch and to the garage. My feet burnt on the concrete, but I didn't care. I opened the garage and saw Harry's car was still there. I ran back into the grass to cool feet; his car was here, so were the heck could he have gone?

"Anna, are you okay?" Someone asked, and I wondered how they knew who I was. I looked up and saw it was Ryder, maybe he knew me by my clothes. I shook my head, and he took that as a sign to sit down next to me and comfort me. He wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder, while I sobbed and sobbed.

"Tell me what happened," He insisted, and this felt like a replay of what happened in school earlier. And that put me in this bad mood, making me ditch school.

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