Chapter 2: I Won't Let That Dam Break

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Chapter 2: I Won't Let That Dam Break

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Lilliana, time to get up." One of my sisters said beside me, I wasn't sure who though.

I blinked my eyes open and pulled my ear buds out of my ears; which was now softly playing Never Say Never by The Fray. "We're here?" I asked.

Lilly, the one that woke me up, shook her head. "No, we will arrive in 5 minutes."

I nodded, and covered my mouth to block a yawn. I turned the music on my phone off, and put it into the pocket of my hoodie with the ear buds wrapped around it. I braced my head softly on the window and waited for us to land.

I still had nothing to look forward to when I get there, but I will try my best to be happy. I don't want to worry Jenna, my aunt. I don't call her Auntie Jenna, I don't know why; I'm just pretty used to calling her Jenna. Jenna was my aunt on my mom's side, so her last name was the Reed. She had a son, who was of course my cousin, and it was Harry. Lilly and Lillian say that I should be happy to see him, but I honestly don't know. I don't know if I'll even be happy anymore. I'm hoping to fit in at this school; make friends and not be a socially awkward weirdo.

When I felt we landed, I got up as did Lilly and Lillian, and picked up my carry-on bag. We then filed off of the plane and into the airport. Since I had no idea where to go, I followed behind Lillian, with Lilly behind me. Lillian is kind of the more mature one, and it's probably because she was born first. I was born second and Lilly was last. We walked to the baggage claim, which was a swirly kind of thing that kept spinning. I looked for my black and white suitcase, as Lillian and Lilly looked for theirs. Ours looked the same, so it was much easier to find. "Guys, if you see any of our bags, pick it up; it doesn't have to be yours." Lillian says.

Lilly and I nod, and continue to look for the luggage. I saw Lilly's approaching this way and I grabbed it for her and then got the other one. I rolled the one I had for her over to her side, and then continued my search. When we got everyone's luggage, we made our way outside the airport.

"Aunt Jenna said she'd be here for us, right?" Lilly asked.

Lillian nodded, "Yup, but she couldn't make it, so Harry will pick us up."

"Oh, so where is he?" Lilly asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know, I'll call him." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and tapped the screen a few times then put it to her ears.

"Hey, are you already at the airport?"


"Okay, we'll come there then."


"Alright then, bye."

She hung up the phone then informed us that we'd have to go to the further end of the airport. We all made our way for where we had to go, until we saw him or his car. I saw him braced up to his car on his phone, and he had a pretty nice car too. It was a red mustang with white stripes at the front. Mustangs are my favourite type of car.

When he saw us approaching he smiled, giving us each a hug, starting with me obviously. "I'm so excited for you guys to live with us!" Harry said, excitedly as he put our bags in the trunk.

"I know, right?" Lillian said, matching his excitement. "It'd be so much fun!"

Lilly grinned, "Yup!"

I didn't say anything, but Harry didn't question it, so I was glad. There wasn't enough space in the trunk for all the suitcases to fit, so we had to put one in the backseat. "Lilliana, you come sit up front with me." Harry suggested with a smile.

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