Chapter One

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/////Sam's POV\\\\\

I had isolated myself. 

After we arrived at the palace in the Fire Nation, I was escorted to a room, where I locked the doors, and lay in bed. Some servants would bring me food, and but I never ate. Most of the time I screamed at them. Azula came by once a day, smirking in that annoying way, and telling me all these plans that I really didn't care about. He stopped by. Once. He didn't enter my room, he only stood outside the door, begging me to let him in. He didn't go away until I had thrown everything in the room I could lift at the wooden barrier between me and him. 

I refused to change into Fire Nation clothing. I refused to do anything Fire Nation. Not my hair, not my make up, not my clothes. I refused. A male servant had picked the lock, telling me that the Fire Lord had summoned me, but I only screamed at him, and froze him to the wall, using some water that I was suppose to drink for lunch. I only let the man go when other servants came looking for him, and they had to hold me back as I lashed out at them. 

I was depressed, to say the least. Was depression supposed to be like this? Angry at the world, and furious with myself? I should've done something. I should've tried harder to reach out to Katara when I had the chance. I should've seen the lightning bolt coming for Aang, should've expected it. But I hadn't, and now my friends had to pay the price, as well as me. 

What were they doing right now? The Earth Kingdom had fallen, so the Earth King's support was long gone. What would they do? I had to put my faith in them, for them to save me from this awful place. Sokka was too stubborn, he would never give up. Katara promised; 'we'll come back for you', she said. Toph and I were close. She would probably throw a fit - right? Or am I just imagining things to comfort myself? 

The only person in the stupid place that I didn't hate was Iroh. But he was in the dungeons, and I had no way of going down there. I would much rather be there, in the cold and dark, than here in this massive room, and king sized bed. Now more than ever I wanted to go home. To leave this stupid nation behind, and never look back. 

"Miss?" a voice called from the other side of the door. 

I stayed motionless, lying on the bed, and staring at the ceiling. I didn't respond. They had already given me my supper. It lay untouched on the nightstand, and I planned to let it sit there until morning. 

"Miss, the Fire Lord has requested your presence." 

Silence. Why hadn't she left yet? Stupid maid. She should learn to take a hint. 

"Sam," a new voice called, and my eyes hardened, "open up." 

How dare he. How dare he think he can just show up, and boss me around. 

"Come on Sam," he begged. "Please." 

Reaching blindly, I grabbed hold of the first thing my fingers touched - a glass of water - and flung it at the door, where it shattered into millions of pieces. There was a small shriek, and I smirked. It was Lyn, a maid who was absolutely terrified at me. I don't know why she always came up here. Maybe she was forced. 

"Sam, if you keep breaking things, you're going to get in trouble," he warned, so I grabbed the whole plate, and threw it like a Frisbee. As it swiveled, food flew all over the place, before slamming into the door with such force, I could see a scratch in it. 

There was a sigh, and I thought the battle was won. He was leaving. 

I was wrong. 

Something rammed into the door, making me jump. I sat up quickly, staring at the door in shock, as he burst through. His hair was put up. And it was a shame, because I liked his longer, shaggy hair that hung loosely in his eyes. He had a long, red robe on, and it made him look cold, and distant. I liked him better when his eyes showed his emotions, so I could at least have a clue as to what he was thinking. 

I don't know what I expected. Maybe for him to apologize again. Maybe to comment about how he did it for his honor, or some other lame excuse. I just didn't expect silence, and the strange look on his face. 

Lyn stepped around scuttled around him, going to the closet in the corner. "Miss, if you're to see the Fire Lord, you must dress appropriately." 

"The Fire Lord can rot," I snarled, collapsing back onto the bed. "I hope he burns from his own fire. Or mine. I could burn him to ashes." 

Lyn dropped the clothes she had in her hand, and spun to stare at me in shock. "Miss, that's very disre-" 

"Get out," I interrupted, laying on the bed again. "I'm not going anywhere, unless it's freedom. I'll die in here if I have to. I'm. Not. Leaving." 

The maid spluttered, her mouth agape. 

"Leave us," he ordered, but his voice wasn't harsh. "I'll take her to my father." 

When Worlds Collide: Book Three, FireWhere stories live. Discover now